How they help you when you're struggling with PTSD

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not rlly opening requests, just doing these drabbles when i need to cope lmao
i'm also drunk rn so hope this makes sense 😭
characters: blitzø, millie and moxxie, fizz, stolas, (lmk if yall want more)

• He'll accidentally say or do something triggering, whether it's yelling (not at you), teasing, talking about the past, etc.
• Once he see's you shutting down, getting teary eyed, scratching yourself he'll instantly asks what's wrong. Letting you talk about why you're upset, asking if he did anything, and asked if he can help.
• Once you told him you have PTSD and/or share your experience he's been more aware of what's your triggers and how he can reassure you.
• If somebody at I.M.P accidentally says something triggering he'll go off at them. If your trigger is yelling, he'll just whisper yell at said person.
• You're thankful he's this protective, but you always let him know that you're fine and that you're trying to help heal and ground yourself when somebody says or does something triggering.

Millie and Moxxie
• In the past, Moxxie already opened up about his trauma with his family and some of his triggers, so this let you open up about yours.
• From the start the two of them were always protective and made sure that you're doing okay if something triggering has happened.
• They'll know that something isn't right if you go nonverbal all of a sudden and staring off into space. Millie will gently rub your hand and asks if there's anything that she can do. Moxxie on the other hand will play some comfort music or a comfort show to help you ground yourself.
• If y'all are in public they'll take you somewhere safer and quiet, trying to take you out of a triggering environment.
• Lastly, they made a safety plan for you just in case if they're not there. They added a bunch of things to help you ground and distract yourself, adding the PTSD hotline number on it if you need to call.

• He ended up having a PTSD episode in front of you first. While you were trying to comfort him, you ended up telling your story.
• Fizz made a small list (that he hid from you) of all of your certain triggers so he knows how to protect you. He's kinda bad at reading emotions, so that's why he made a list to see if anything had happened to make you feel a certain way.
• He'll try his best to distract you with some of his circus routines (he knows you love it).
• He also talks about how he copes to see if it might work for you. He just wants to help you frfr
• Whenever he sees you having an episode, he'll always asks if you need to be held (cuddle) or space (stay in the same room and watch to make sure you're safe).

• You two were talking about y'all's past and you brought up your trauma and how you suffer with PTSD.
• He was intrigued by hearing your story and wanted to learn more about your triggers, reactions and behaviors.
• He already has many books about the mental mind and knows about PTSD and trauma, but he wanted to learn more from you.
• He witnessed you acting different and asked if you're about to have an episode or if you are in one. Whatever your answer is, he won't bombard you with questions, just be by your side and let you talk (if you wanna talk).
• If you want him to sing he'll sing, bro loves singing and shit

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