Stolas x Fem! Reader: Different Transaction?

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You met Stolas about three years ago whenever you drunkly stumbled upon his front door. Didn't know why or how you ended up there, hell you barely knew the guy.

But as months went on and you guys talking, you two made it official. His daughter, Octavia, was not sure about you. You guessed it was because she whiteness her parents rocky relationship. Within a year of you and Stolas dating, she became closer to you, as well as talking for hours on end.

Although you had a great relationship with Stolas' daughter, you had a horrible relationship with his and Blitz's.

You knew from the very beginning that they have this sexual exchange once a month for this book. Stolas told you from the beginning of your friendship about it.

You were fine with it up until you two started dating. Stolas has asked you multiple times if it was okay for him to do that, and you always said the same thing, "I'm fine with it, I know it's a transaction and I know you love me." However, it pained you to know that once a month they were in your guy's room fucking their brains out. You'd never expressed your true feelings about it.

Part of the reason was because you didn't want to be seen as a jealous partner. Sure, Stolas always asked you if it was okay, but you were afraid if you say it wasn't okay then he'll be fed up with you and be turned off by the fact you're jealous over a business transaction.

During those nights, you would stay in an extra bedroom and practically cry your eyes out, wishing that this would all end (not your life, just the situation.)

The year after, you and Stolas got married. You felt ecstatic marrying the love of your life, and Octavia was relieved that she has a good motherly figure in her life.

But the transaction never stopped. You were pretty pissed off that Stolas was still fucking Blitz. Was Blitz dick that good?

You were too afraid of confrontation. At first you wasn't planning on saying anything in fear of Stolas being mad (thanks to your past relationship), but tonight was the full moon, and you know they're fucking in there.

Tonight was the night you were gonna say something and end it for good.

You kept biting my nails as you walked to yours and Stolas' room, which felt like a long walk. You don't ever remember it being this far away, but you guessed your depth precipitated is bad because of how nervous you are.

Your hand was on the doorknob and you pressed your ear to the door to see if you can hear anything.


Once you opened the door you saw your husband making out with the Imp. The two noticed you and jumped off of each other, Stolas looking concerned, and Blitz feeling awkward.

"I should leave you two alone." He tried to escape through the window but you stopped him.

"Blitz, you're staying."

"Ah shit." He mumbled.

"What is it dear? Are you feeling alright?" He put the back of his hand against your forehead but you gently took his hand off.

"I think we should all talk about this whole situation."

"Ah shit you wanna join?" Blitz smirked.

"Uh no. Is there anyway where you guys can have a different transaction? I don't mean to sound insecure and jealous hurts. It really does. Knowing that you two are fucking in the bed that Stolas and I sleep and fuck on really messes with me."

"Oh Starshine I didn't know." Stolas took you in his arms, then let go, his hands rested tightly on your shoulders. "How long have you been feeling this?"

"If I'm being honest, the moment we started dating. I should've told you sooner but...I didn't want to sound jealous or clingy or insecure and shit. I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize, I'm terribly sorry that you're feeling like this. Blitz, let's come up with a different transaction."

"Oh thank god." He mumbled. "What's the new transaction?"

Stolas looked at you for some ideas. "How about we get 5% of your earnings?" You suggested.

"What!? FUCK no."

"Blitz, respect my wife's decision. You still get to use the book."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. Deal."

"Thanks guys. I really appreciate it." I smiled at Stolas. He ruffled my hair and pulled me closer to him. "Blitz, I still need it during the full moon."

"Yeah that's fine." He crossed his arms. "Bye." He swung his legs over the window, but he ended up missing and falling, we could hear him land on the ground followed by a groan.

"Thanks again for compromising with me."

"No need to thank me, and I'm deeply sorry that I let this transaction continued throughout our relationship. I should've put a stop to it. But just know that I was always thinking about you, and I'm so thankful that you're in mine and Octavia's life. I truly love you, Y/n." Stolas pulled you into a tight hug, "I love you so much."


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