🔞 Blitz x FTM! Reader: First

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*requested* might be ooc

Blitz wanted to do something special for you since you guys have been dating for over 3 months (which is good considering Blitz has a hard time with relationships). He cooked you dinner and laid candles around the dinner table.

"This is really nice, Blitz." You smiled sweetly, taking a bite out of the over cooked meat.

"You actually liked it?" He sounded surprised.

"I do!" You chewed on the rubber meat, finally being able to swallow it.

"It's okay to lie."

"The meat is good but it's a little overcooked."

"Yeah..was afraid of that."

You two talked for a bit, talking about work, life, etc, but something was on your mind.


You're a virgin, and you always wanted to get it out the way but was too afraid to do anything about it. Blitz knows this, and never pushed you into doing the act, but deep down you know that he wanted to fuck you.

Finally you spoke up, "I think I'm ready."

"To..?" He raised an eyebrow.

"To have sex." You mumbled as you flinched.

"Oh!..oh..really?" He wanted to be considerate of your feelings, but his eyes lit up, finally being able to fuck his boyfriend.

"Yeah." You slightly smiled, "Just please, please, PLEASE, be gentle. I know how you are."

He put his hands up in defense, "Of course! You ready to do this now? Like fuck the dinner and go ahead?"

You thought about it before finally agreeing. "Yeah, fuck the dinner." You said as you two walked over to the couch. Loona was hanging out with her friends for tonight, so you know that she won't come home until 2 AM.

You sat down on the couch as Blitz scavenged for some lube. You nervously took off your shirt as your binder fit snug around your chest.

Blitz came back and laid the scented lube onto the table.

"Can you talk me through it?"

"Of course." He smirked, sitting down on the couch and grabbed you, making you straddle him on his lap.

Blitz has his hands around your waist as he pulled you closer, goosebumps swarming every part of your body. In an instant his lips attached to yours as his hands slid down to your pants, unbuttoning them as your hands grabbed his shirt and pulled it off.

Blitz managed to unbutton your pants and lightly pushed you off of him so you could stand, giving him easy access to take them off. He stood up as well, bringing his hand to the back of your head and guided you to roughly make out with him.

He pulled apart to take his pants off, throwing them to the side. The two of you stared at each other in your underwear's. His erect cock dying to be uncovered.

You nervously took off your boxes, Blitz eyeing you up and down.

"Wow.." He said in awe. "You are attractive." His dick twitched.

You let out a sweet laugh, "So are you." Your eyes landed on his still clothed cock.

"Get on your hands and knees on the couch, anal is less painful if you're in doggy." He said in a soothing manner.

You obliged and did what he said. Your breathing intensified as he lathered up in hands in lube. "I have to dilate you," He got behind you, "I'm going to start with 1 finger, then 2, then 3. It shouldn't be as uncomfortable as I add another finger, you ready?"

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