Octavia x Male!Reader: Ferris wheel

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When Octavia was 8, she got ahold of her dad's book. She wanted to be just like him, flipping through the pages and learning spells.

Until one day she accidentally opened a portal to the mortal realm. Confused, she stuck her head in, but quickly lost balance, landing on the pavement. She groaned and looked up, seeing a bunch of people walking around with cotton candy.

"This doesn't look like Loo Loo Land." She mumbled, scanning this place. Her eyes widened once she realized that there was humans here, not demons.

She remembers whenever she was playing around with her dad's book, that she came across a spell that will give her a human disguise. She played with it for a while, doing her makeup with her human form because she enjoys it.

She ran off to a secluded area and flipped open the book, did the spell, and felt herself change from an owlet, to a sweet innocent 8 year old girl.

Octavia walked back to the carnival, and since she doesn't know where she's going she accidentally bumped into a boy.

"Oh I'm so sorry." She apologized.

"It's okay. I take it you're not from around here?"

Her palms were sweaty, how does he know that? Did her transformation fail? She looked at her human hands to confirm that she indeed was a human.

"How did you know?"

"Uh because you're british?"

"What's a british?"

The boy laughed. "You're weird. I'm Y/n." He stuck his hand out.

"Octavia." She shook it.

"Do you want to go to the ferris wheel with me?"

"Sure." She smiled.

Every week since then, Octavia would sneak out and return to the mortal realm to see Y/n. Their friendship grew as they grew with each other, from pre-teens, all the way to adolescence.

However, starting about 5 months ago she can only visit him on the full moon night while her dad and Blitzø have their "transaction."

Octavia knocked on Y/n's door, impatiently waiting for him to open it.

"Hey!" He grinned.

"Hey." Octavia returned the smile as Y/n let her in the house.

The two walked upstairs to Y/n's room. Him always sitting on the floor so she can sit on the bed.

"How come you're always down there?" She laid on her stomach, smiling down at him.

"Figured you want the bed to yourself."

She giggled, "I feel bad that all these years you're always sitting on the floor whenever we hang out in your room."

"We could go to yours? I've never been to your house before. I bet it's girly." He teased.

"Trust me you don't want to go there. My parents are still fighting." She sighed. She wanted to invite him to her house, but he can't know that she's an owlet, a demon owlet. But, she does tell him about her life.

"Still? Sorry to hear that." He stood up and paced around his room, before finally getting the balls to sit on the bed with her.

"Are you sitting here so you can comfort me?" She laughed.

"If that's what you want." He shifted so he's laying on his stomach with her. "Remember whenever we met? At that carnival?"

"Yeah, why?"

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