Ozzie x MTF! Reader x Fizz: Pretty Witch

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requested from tumblr (effy-exists)
lowkey kinda not happy how this turned out but oh well
sautéed is a jazz move btw 😭
CW: transphobia

Everyone in Hell almost have the same fashion, goth, emo, or slut. Yours was so different that it actually got people looking your way. When you're in public with Fizz and Ozzie and they see people look your way and possibly checking you out they both get very protective (and jealous).

Your fashion consisted of fairy-witch core aesthetic. Instead of blacks and reds (in Fizz's case, bright colors), yours was mainly shades of greens, browns, and you always wore some sort of crystal jewelry. Necklace, bracelet, waist beads, rings, head pieces, you never went without your crystals.

Even at performances your outfits are always fairy-witch themed (including the songs). Your stage name was "Fae," based off of the folklore of elemental faery's and you're an elemental witch. Basically all of your witch work is based around the elements.

Everyone who went to Ozzie's knows your type of performances and it even became a huge hit. On the days you're not performing they get bummed out so they call ahead to see if you're performing that day.

Fizz and Ozzie is obsessed with your fashion and your knowledge of witchy stuff. Ozzie would always come to you to ask questions about spells and curses (although you barely do curses), he just finds it very interesting.

Tonight was a special night for the restaurant "Ozzie's". They have tons of performers performing tonight. You, Verosika, Fizz, Ozzie himself, and some other popular musicians. With the reservations alone the place will be packed to the brim.

You finished your fairy-like makeup and fixed up your hair and horns before putting on your costume that Fizz made. A beautiful green bra with mossy lace and matching mini shorts. He even made you these beautiful fairy wings with crystals hanging from them.

Verosika was the first performer because she wanted to get drunk as soon as possible, and during her performance you stood impatiently in the curtains.

Rounds of applauses surrounded the area as Verosika finished her performance. After it died down your song started playing a beautiful, whimsical sound.

You sautéed to the sound of the music to the dance pole. The audience awed as you spun elegantly on it. Fizz and Ozzie were nearby, almost tearing up by seeing you perform (even though you performed in front of them a million times they always seem to tear up).

In the far back you could hear a heckler but ignored it, not knowing exactly what they're saying.

The heckler seemed to be getting louder, which finally got your attention.

"You're not a witch! You're a warlock!" He laughed. "And don't EVER wear those shorts again, we can see it. Especially since you're dancing on a pole."

Before you could even react or say anything you saw Ozzie walking out from the curtain.

The transphobe had a look of worry on his face as Ozzie grabbed his collar, "You wanna say that shit again? You disgusting, pathetic little pussy!" He yelled in the transphobes face before body slamming him onto the ground and repeatedly punching him, completely breaking every bone in his face.

Meanwhile Fizz took you off stage and into the dressing room.

"That mother fucker!" Fizz screamed as he kicked the vanity chair. He looked over at you, "Hey, you doing alright?"

You put on an act so you wouldn't seem weak, "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." You looked at his worried eyes.

Fizz wanted to believe you were okay but he knows you. The light in your eyes had drained and your bottom lip was shaky. "Y/n, are you sure?"

Helluva Boss x Reader Oneshots/HC's.Where stories live. Discover now