Fizz x Fem! Reader: Happy Day

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You and Fizz grew up together, but not in the circus. You were always in the audience and grew fond of him. He always noticed you, and ever since you became a regular he would search for you in the audience.

About age 7 he came up to you after the show and started talking. Getting to know your name, which ring you're from, (he was shocked that you were born in the Lust ring), etc. Eventually you guys would hang out before and after his performances just about every day.

When you guys were 16 he gave you flowers and finally asked you to be his girlfriend.

Blitzo and Barbie always made fun of you two. Barbie found it sweet, saying that Fizz deserves you, but Blitzo was definitely jealous.

The day the fire happened you were hanging out with Fizz in the tent celebrating his birthday. Until this day you believed you should've been the one to get injured. Fizz wanted to save your life.

Before the fireworks went off he pushed you far away where only he would get the impact. The sides of your body were in white, but you didn't lose arms or legs like you should've.

The following months was definitely traumatizing for the both of you. You stayed by his side everyday until he got better, and during those times you would always apologize and saying you should be the one in that bed, not him, but Fizz loved you. He wanted to sacrifice himself so you wouldn't be injured, or even worse killed. He didn't want to lose you.

Once he got better you tracked down Asmodeus and asked him if he could make Fizz mechanical arms and legs so he would be able to perform again.

Right when Fizz got acclimated to his new arms and legs he went straight away to Mammon to audition, and he was a sensation.

So popular that he got his own sex robots, servant robots, he was the most popular jesters all throughout Hell. You were never jealous, but you were definitely afraid of him getting hurt again.

As years went by you could tell that Mammon has been draining Fizz. You always told your boyfriend that you're worried about him, but he shrugged it off and kept telling you that he's okay. You asked Fizz if he could try working at Ozzie's since you worked there and they were hiring. You hoped that Fizz would stop being underneath Mammon's wing by him working there, but he was still underneath his wing.

Once Blitzo (now you learned it's Blitz) got into your live's again you were kinda hesitant, but saw how clearly Fizz needed his best friend back. It did cheer him up a bit, but he was still stressed out about being the perfect clown.

It was that time of the year for Fizz to audition again, and this time you actually put your foot down. You called Blitz to go with you to try to convince Fizz to not do this thing again.

So now the two of you are trying to get Fizz to quit but he didn't.

Until finally the end of the audition he literally said, "I quit."

Ever since then you can see the light back into his eyes. He gained some weight, has a new wardrobe, and is always singing and dancing with you.

"Fizz, I'm tired." You playfully whined as he spins you, "I just want to take a nap with you."

"Oh come on, you don't like dancing with me?" He teased.

You placed your hands on his shoulders as you two swayed left and right. "I love your dancing, and I'm glad youve been happier since Mammon, but I'm SO tired and I really want to take a nap with you." You smiled.

"Okay, okay, fine." He fake pouted.

"How about after this nap we go out to eat at Ozzie's hm?"

"The place where we work at? Let's eat somewhere else."

You climbed on the bed and got underneath the covers. "Like what?"

Fizz laid down beside of you, resting his head on your chest. "How about...Hearts?"


Instead of going to sleep, the two of you kept switching sleeping positions. First you were on your back while he was on his side hugging you, then you turned over to where he was big spoon, then vice versa. The two of you kept laughing whenever the other person would move.

One moment he was on his back while you were in-between his legs with your head resting on his stomach.

Finally you crawled up to where your head was on his chest with him rubbing your back in circles. He looked over at the penis shaped alarm clock and the time read 3:50. He gently shook you.


"It's almost 4. Were you wanting that dinner?"

"Yeah." You mumbled.

"Then get ready." He shook you a little harder to wake you up.

"Okay, okay fine." You groaned. "Wanna match our outfits?"

"Of fucking course! Don't we always?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

The two of you picked out your outfits together. He wanted to wear something purple, so you happily obliged, even if you didn't wanna wear something with that color. You knew it made him happy.

You guys made your way to the restaurant by taking a fancy limo that offers champagne. As you looked over at him you saw him with that big smile of his that you missed for the longest time.

"Do I have champagne on my face?" He wiped his mouth.

"No, silly. I'm just admiring you."

"Am I that handsome?" He joked.

You snickered, "Very."

The dinner felt nice for you two. You let him talk about so many things as you listened. Not superficial things, but things that were deep inside of him. You didn't realize how much he changed before, during, and after Mammon.

The moment you guys got home you got in your pj's and planted back onto the bed. Fizz pulled you in closer to where he was big spoon.

"I'm so happy to be with you." You couldn't help but to smile.

Since he can't feel your hands he wrapped his tail around your tail to make it like you're holding hands. "I'm happy too."

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