Blitz x GN! Autistic! Reader: Eat Something

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cw: food sensitivity, textures

Autism is something that you have to live with your whole life. Ever since you were little you especially struggled with texture issues. Whether it's velvet, cotton balls, leather, but you specifically struggled with food textures.

However when it comes to food textures some days were better than others. The days where you weren't so burnt out you could handle a handful amount of specific food, but on days like this where you're so overstimulated and burned out you can barely even drink water because of the lack of texture in it.

When it comes to working for I.M.P, you can put on a good mask so the others won't think you're a burden (you're not, it's just you have insecurities about being autistic). However on days like this where you have poor eating habits because of the autism it can be very hard to mask it.

Everyone at I.M.P went out to get lunch together, but you couldn't even bare to eat at cheap ass restaurants or fast food. So, you made up an excuse to not go with them. Millie asked why but all you told her was that you weren't in the mood for going out in public. Moxxie asked if you wanted them to bring you something back but you politely declined.

Blitz stayed in the office to "organize" the clients target's information. And by organizing just reading them and then tossing it to the other side of the office.

You took your safe food out of your bookbag and sat it in front of you. Dry noodles. You didn't want to boil them because of the slime texture that'll soon be in your mouth. It even made you gagged by thinking about it.

You opened the package and tore off a small piece before finally placing the dry, hard noodle in your mouth.

Your face scrunched up in disgust, you wanted to spit it out but you barely ate anything in the past couple of days. You swollowed and a cold shiver went through your body.

You wanted to stop but your stomach was saying otherwise. You took another bite and gagged, spitting it out.

"Fuck!" You yelled out of frustration, grabbing Blitz's attention.

He peaked outside of his office and saw you picking at the hard noodles before chewing and swollowing it. He saw your face scrunched up again as your fist hit the table.

"Are you about to throw up?" He said nonchalantly.

You looked at him and dry swollowed the not-so-safe-food anymore. Blitz got out of his office and stood in front of you on the other side of the table.

"Need a trashcan or something?"

You looked down at the noodles and mentally cursed yourself. This was supposed to be your safe food but now you can hardly stomach it. Out of tiredness and frustration you silently sobbed over the dry noodles.

"WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!" He frantically said, not really knowing how autism works.

"Because this was supposed to be my safe food and I can hardly eat it because I'm so fucking burned out." You sobbed.

"Oh." He quietly said before sitting down across from you. "Is there anything I can do?"

You shrugged, "Not really."

Blitz thought for a moment, "How about I dim the lights and you listen to your favorite music? Or, or how about your favorite show?" He really wanted to help you out.

"I guess so, but i'm so fucking hungry."

"I know, but if we make this place underestimulated then maybe it'll help? To be honest I don't know how acousticism works."

"Autism." You bluntly said.

"Shit, right autism."

You rolled your eyes as a small smile crept on your face. "Yeah, let's do that."

Blitz smiled and dimmed the lights, "You got them fancy headphones or something?"

You shook your head.

"I have cheap ones but they're better than nothing." He went back to his office and grabbed headphones that has those horse shaped ears on the headband and handed them to you. "Do you want music?"

"Just silence."

"Is there anything else?"

"No. Thank you, Blitz."

"Let me know if you need anything else, I need to go back and organize the papers and shit."

"Wait..Can I do it? I love organizing things and it'll help you." You smiled, "Plus it might help me distract myself."

"Oh, yeah for sure, go for it."

The next hour or so you helped Blitz organize the papers by the area of which targets live at. The silence, the dim lighting, and the organizing papers by location reset yourself. After telling Blitz this, he happily boiled the noodles for you to eat. You were grateful for him, and he was happy to help his crush out.

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