Male!Loona x Gender Neutral Reader: Wanna Get Out of Here?

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hellhound reader

16 years. 16 long dreadful years of me being in this place. It was always cold here, there's one florescent light that's working and sometimes it flickers or even goes out.

I curled up on my bed, shivering but the blankets they gave us makes me itchy. I heard the owner of this place talking to what sounded like a couple. The woman had a strong country accent, and her partner kept asking the owner all sorts of questions.

I could hear them go to each cell, and they kept saying no. I've been doing this for a long time, so I know what to expect. I don't know if I actually want to be adopted since it's a new change for me, and i'm not fond of changes. But if I was adopted, wouldn't my life be easier?

The couple and the owner stopped at my cell. "This is Y/n, they're timid but hasn't hurt anyone."

I just stayed curled up.

"Mox? What do you think?"

"I think we should get them."

Wait what. I wanted to sit up and look at them but was too afraid to, didn't want to blow my chance.

"Y/n, you're getting adopted today, grab your things." The owner said in a raspy voice. I hesitated to get up, but after 3 seconds I slowly got up and locked eyes with my new family, two imps.

I gave a small wave, then turned around to gather my stuff while the owner unlocked the cage. I turned around and walked out, glancing at the couple.

"I'm Millie! And this is my husband Moxxie! Nice to meet you!" She stuck her hand out for a shake.

I shook her hand and then looked over at Moxxie.

"Hi." He nervously said. I guess we have something in common then.

"You three come with me to feel out paper."

"Ooo Moxxie this is going to be so fun! Don't worry Y/n you're going to love it here." She was eager.

"I bet." I laughed nervously.


"This is your new home!" Millie stuck her arms out, proud of the look of her's and Moxxie's house.

"Also I would like to mention that our boss sometimes stalks us, don't be alarmed." Moxxie warned.

"I'm kinda alarmed."

"Oh hush Moxxie you're scaring them. Don't worry hun, our boss means no harm. He only stalks Moxxie and I. Ooo we should bring you to our work!"

"Millie no! I don't want Y/n to get hurt the day we got them."

"Is your jobs dangerous?"

"We're assassins!" Millie shouted out of joy.

"Oh wait, I heard of you guys. Some other hellhounds talk about some assassin group."

"Yep! That's us! Also our boss has an adopted son named Loona, he's also a hellhound."

"He doesn't do much." Moxxie rolled his eyes.

"Oh my stars you two should meet! He needs friends, kinda lonely fella."

I starts picking at my claws. "Maybe another time? Let me get settled in." I'm worried what they're going to say since I denied.

"That's alright! Just let us know when you want to meet Blitzø and Loona. Oh Blitzø is our boss."

Oh right, the stalker.


2 weeks went by and decided to tell M&M that I'm ready to meet their boss and his son. To be honest I didn't care too much about the boss, I was just wanting to meet Loona so I can possibly have a friend.

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