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― "Being blind in one eye doesn't excuse you from that ghastly hairstyle

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― "Being blind in one eye doesn't excuse you from that ghastly hairstyle."

KATHERINE VERMONT came from a wealthy family, like really wealthy. So, you could say it surprised her when her parents sent her to one of the first schools to mix both genders. 

She was beautiful, although not caring for that herself, the people around her made sure she knew she was. She was patient with the right amount of time and took care of others.

Katherine, or Kathy as people like to call her has a good heart, at least she likes to think she does, but she knows her worth and will not tolerate any hostility towards her, or her friends. She mostly stayed out of trouble but the people at her new school were making that pretty hard for her. Boys, to be exact, and to be even more precise, Joseph Descamps.

God, she hated that man. And it was completely mutual, they hated each other's guts and they made it very clear. Joseph made her life harder and harder every day since the day she came to 'his' school.

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