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(if u think i'm pretty - Artemas)

It was getting late, and people were finally leaving the party. As I got up from the corner where I had been sitting, I realized that I hadn't seen Descamps the entire night, and honestly, I was glad.

I began preparing to leave when I noticed Simone and Jean-Pierre, he appeared to be extremely drunk. Furrowing my brows, I hurried over to her. 

"Is everything alright, Simone?" She nodded, though with a tired smile. "Yes, I'm just gonna take Jean-Pierre back home. I can't leave him like this."

"Are you sure you can manage on your own?" I asked, expressing concern. She chuckled, revealing a hint of exhaustion. "Good thing I'm not alone."

"Okay, okay. Be careful," I said, giving her a quick side hug before waving her goodbye.

I helped Pichon clean up a bit before heading out myself.

As I walked through the dimly lit streets, my mind still buzzing from the events of the evening, I stumbled upon a sight that caught me off guard. 

There, in a somewhat disheveled state, was Descamps, evidently quite intoxicated.

His usual demeanor seemed to have faded away with each sip of whatever he had been drinking. In his inebriated state, he was muttering something under his breath.

As I approached, it became clear what he was actually muttering "Katherine.." My eyebrows perked up and I cleared my throat.

"Joseph?" I called out cautiously, unsure of what state I would find him in. He looked up, his gaze slightly unfocused, but he recognized me. 

A mix of emotions flickered across his face, surprise and something else, perhaps regret.

"Katherine," he repeated, the name escaping his lips like a plea. The weight of unspoken words hung in the air, thick with the scent of alcohol. 

I couldn't help but feel a surge of conflicting emotions, anger, curiosity, and a twinge of sympathy for the man who had, for a moment, been my enemy and then something more.

"What are you doing out here, Descamps? Why didn't you go home?" I asked, my voice laced with a mix of concern and frustration. 

The evening had already been filled with enough unexpected twists, and encountering Descamps in this state only added another layer of complexity to the unraveling story.

Descamps tried to stand upright, his movements unsteady, and I sighed, realizing that he wasn't in a state to navigate the streets alone.

"Come on, Descamps," I said, my tone a mixture of irritation and genuine concern. "Let's get you home."

I looped his arm around my shoulder, providing some support as we started the slow journey through the quiet streets. Descamps stumbled a few times, muttering apologies and incoherent phrases.

As we walked, Descamps began to spill his thoughts, his words slurring with the effects of alcohol. "I never wanted it to be like this, Katherine. Everything's messed up. I can't.. I can't stop thinking about you."

I remained silent, absorbing his drunken confessions. There was an odd vulnerability to him at this moment, stripped of the usual bravado. His emotions spilled out, unfiltered and raw.

"I messed up, didn't I?" he mumbled, more to himself than to me. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I never meant to.. I just.."

The weight of his words hung in the air, and I couldn't bring myself to interrupt. His words echoed in the quiet night, and the weight of his confessions seemed to grow heavier. 

I couldn't help but wonder about the tangled web of emotions and complications that had led us to this point.

"Why did you push me away, Joseph?" I finally asked, breaking the silence. His response was a mix of hesitation and regret.

"I was scared.. And my mother she.." He admitted, the words escaping with a heavy sigh.

"She what?" I urged curiously and he stumbled "She suddenly remembered who you were, and she was so pissed.."

His revelation left me momentarily stunned. The sudden recall on his mother's part explained the abrupt change in Descamps' behavior.

"So, she remembered, and that's when you decided to act like what happened meant nothing?" I questioned, a mixture of hurt and frustration bubbling within me.

"She forbid me.." He slurred, and I scoffed, muttering, "And since when do you ever listen to anyone.."

"I listen to you," he mumbled, his words carrying a weight of sincerity, even in his intoxicated state. "God, I have to stop finding you like this." I chuckled slightly, the lamppost casting a dim glow on his features in the darkness of the night.

"You're lucky you're drunk. I'm still angry with you," he stumbled and looked up at me. "Please, Katherine," he whined.

"Please what, Joseph?" I sighed, adjusting his arm around my neck.

"Forgive me, Katherine. I need you," he slurred, his plea echoing through the quiet night.

"You, Joseph. Need me?" I chuckled, the secrets he spilled in his drunken haze showed sincerity, something he seemed to lack when sober.

He nodded tiredly as we approached his house.

"We'll talk about this when you've sobered up, Joseph," I spoke taking his arm off me with an exhausted smile.

He fumbled for his keys and looked at me with a frowned face. "Please, stay."

I chuckled. "I can't, besides, I'm still mad at you, remember?" The door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit hallway.

Descamps stumbled inside, his steps unsteady and that's when I hesitated for a moment before following him, I had to make sure he got settled okay.


"Alright, Joseph. I'm gonna go now, good night," I spoke in a hushed voice, looking at him from over his doorway.

He had let himself fall onto his bed, not bothering to take off his shoes, and he muttered something I couldn't really hear.

I went to turn around but almost shrieked when I saw his mother in the hallway 

"And what do you think you're doing?" Her voice carried a mixture of surprise and disapproval.


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SORRY FOR SLOW AND SMALL UPDATESS!! I've been so busy and distracted because school starts again, well at least my internship. 

GO CHECK OUT RIVAUX BY @rinitoshii <3333

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