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Brooklyn Baby - Lana Del Rey

After the speech, everyone went to their designated classroom.

I sat down at an empty table behind Michele and Simone, they were nice and probably one of the only people I could actually relate and talk to.

The door opened again as a girl in a blue uniform entered, being as there were no more empty seats but mine and Pichon, I thought she would have sat next to me.

She didn't, she sat next to Pichon putting her stuff down as Mrs. Giraud cleared her throat.

"I am Mrs. Giraud, your homeroom teacher. What's your name, miss?" She asked looking over at the girl and she stood up.

"Annick Sabiani." She cleared her throat.

"Where do you think you are, Miss Sabiani? Do you think it's okay to sit next to a boy?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Pick up your things." Annick went to pick up her things before she was stopped.

"No, you." She pointed at Pichon. "Up you get, go and sit at the back row." Pichon was shocked "But I won't be able to see the board." He tried but Mrs. Giraud stood her ground.

I raised my hand and she looked over at me "Yes, Miss..?" She said waiting for me to tell her my name.

I stood up "Katherine Vermont, Miss." I introduced myself and I could hear some people reply with 'Well hello, Katherine.' and not in the way you'd like.

"Well, what was your question, Miss Vermont?" I looked around and cleared my throat.

"Annick could sit next to me, there's an empty spot," I told her fiddling with the end of my skirt.

"No, this is fine." I was in disbelief "But that's not fair." Mrs. Giraud looked at me with a disapproving look and a bunch of 'Ooh's.' were heard.

"Miss Vermont, sit down." I scoffed lowly sitting back down and glancing over to Simone as she gave me a supporting look.

"Feisty." Was whispered and I looked back as to where it came from landing on the same pair of eyes I had earlier.

I scoffed turning back around as Pichon stood up to gather his things to the back row but not before earning a remark from said guy "Not your day, piggy." He held out his foot as Pichon tripped and all the guys laughed.

I sat quietly feeling disgusted by the behavior I was experiencing at the moment.

We were in Latin as I looked at the board that was being written on by the older teacher, the screeching off the chalk giving me a slight ick.

"Who can tell me what this means?" Mr. Douillard spoke and I raised my hand being completely ignored.

"Anyone? No one?" This man, was he just choosing not to see me, or did he need a new pair of eyes.

The guy who keeps getting on my nerves for no reason raised his hands and it was as if his eyes were magically working again.

"Yes, Monsieur Descamps?" So his name was Descamps.. "I think Mademoiselle has her hand up." He laughed and every guy joined him.

I rolled my eyes and Mr. Douillard looked at me distastefully "Quite so, yes?" He spoke and I stood up.

"The Romans welcome Horatio with joy and congratulations, and escort him to his house." I said quite proud of myself.

"The Romans 'cheer' Horatio. Can you conjugate the verb 'ovare'?" He asked and I nodded proceeding to do so rubbing my hands together.

His attention quickly diverted from me when he reached out his hand "Give me that." It was a note and I furrowed my eyebrows as Descamps chuckled at the scene.

The guy stood up and walked over to Mr. Douillard handing him the note which he unfolded and scoffed at.

"You think this is funny?" I tried to get a look at the note but I couldn't see it very clearly.

"It wasn't me." The guy responded "Who is responsible for this masterpiece then? Your name?" He looked at him judge fully.

"It wasn't me." "It wasn't me." The teacher repeated his words folding his arms over each other. "All culprits have the same name. They must all be related. Okay, Mr. It Wasn't Me..." "My name is Laubrac." Laubrac cut him off.

"Alright then, Laubrac. Wait, are you from welfare services?" He asked in front of everyone and I couldn't believe my ears, did he really just say that in front of the whole class?

"Some nobody's son's trying to graduate? How amusing. Didn't anyone teach you discipline in the care system? I won't let a bastard disrupt my class. Get out." Mr. Douillard scolded the boy. This man was a new level of disrespect.

I heard Michele stand up and she slammed her hands down "But that's not fair!" She yelled and the teacher turned to her "Didn't they teach you to raise your hand, at the girl's school?" 

"Or maybe you think you have a free pass because your uncle is the dean." My eyes widened out of shock.

I would have never guessed, and hearing the reactions from the class, they wouldn't of either.

"You can accompany your new friend to your uncle's office, he will give you detention." He spoke with a smile.

Simone and I shared a look shrugging.

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More interactions between them coming upppppp

do I wanna know. joseph descampsWhere stories live. Discover now