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Put your head on my shoulder - Paul Anka

The night unfolded with a quiet, hushed stillness as I was seeking solace, embarked on a solitary walk through the moonlit streets. 

I was on my way to read a book under the dim lamp post in the park, something I enjoyed doing.

The glow of streetlights cast elongated shadows on the pavement, guiding my steps toward the familiar park where memories had been made.

As I approached the park, the tranquility of the night was disrupted by a scene beneath a lamppost, Simone and Jean-Pierre. 

Their faces close, sharing a tender moment. The revelation struck me like a sudden storm.

I froze in the shadows, my heart pounding as I witnessed a kiss that seemed to shatter the stillness around me. Simone had been the one to encourage honesty, urging me to confront my feelings and actions. 

Yet, here Simone was, entangled with Jean Pierre, Michele's brother.

A mix of betrayal and disappointment welled up within me as I took in the scene. The sound of their whispered words reached my ears, a confession echoing Simone's encouragement to be truthful about the complexities of romantic entanglements.

Unable to contain my emotions, I stepped into the lamplight, my voice steady but laced with hurt. "Simone, I thought you believed in honesty.. What's going on?"

Simone and Jean Pierre, startled by my presence, broke apart, guilt etched across their faces.

Simone stammered, attempting to explain, "Kathy, it's not what you think. It just.. happened."

My eyes betrayed a mixture of pain and anger. "You told me to be honest about.. things, and yet, you're keeping this from Michele? How could you, Simone?"

Simone's expression wavered, caught in the harsh light of truth. "Kathy, please understand. We didn't plan for this, and I know it's complicated with Michele."

I felt the weight of betrayal and shook my head. "That doesn't excuse keeping it from her. She deserves to know the truth, just like you told me."

Simone and Jean Pierre exchanged glances, the unspoken consequences of their actions hanging heavily in the night air. 

As I turned away hurt displayed on my face, my footsteps carried me into the quiet expanse of the night, I grappled with the realization that even the closest bonds could be tested by the complexities of honesty and betrayal.

I didn't even know why it had hurt me so badly, I didn't care that she kissed Jean Pierre, so was it that she lied to me, or that she told me to be honest and went to do the exact opposite herself?

It honestly made her look like a hypocrite, but love goes in different ways, and maybe somewhere I understood her.

But at the moment I felt betrayed and disappointed, and I had a right to be.

I wandered through the empty streets, grappling with the weight of Simone's secret and the complications it added to an already tangled web of relationships. 

The dim glow of streetlights cast a subdued ambiance, guiding my steps to a destination I hadn't consciously chosen.

As I turned the corner,I found myself near Joseph's house. The faint ember of a cigarette revealed him standing on the porch, the wisps of smoke curling into the night air. 

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