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Les - Childish Gambino

I was up extra early to finish our project about Shakespeare, I couldn't really focus because the night before kept flashing in front of me, I made out with Joseph Descamps.

The guy I swore I hated..

Today was our presentation as well as the football match and to say I was nervous was an understatement, how was I going to face him..

Was I gonna tell Michele and Simone? What would they think.. it's better to be honest, but was that the right thing to do in this case?

I was getting ready putting on my flats and took my bike in hand.

It was raining as I sat down next to Michele and Simone partly under the umbrella, my mind clouded with flashing memories.

"I'm curious to see who wins." Simone spoke happily, she seemed to be glowing when she looked at me.

Her expression turned to one of a confused one "Are you okay, Kathy? You seem down." She asked and Michele glanced over.

"Yeah, no I'm fine.. It's probably the rain." I chuckled lowly before thinking to myself "Actually.." I was about to explain until the match started.

I looked into the crowd of students trying to see if he was even there.

And he was, leaning against the fence. He had a new eyepatch which kind of made him look like a pirate, and his hair was drenched from the rain.

He had a sulking look and he looked over at me before I quickly looked away, unable to look him in the eye.

I was honestly sick of it, this match, him, everything. I stood up abruptly took my bag and walked over to him, Simone called out to me as my hair got drenched from the rain.

Something he didn't seem to expect and a few of his friends cheered him on, but I didn't have the energy for them today.

"Descamps, after the match meet me in the library, I almost finished our project." I fumbled with the end of my skirt before walking away, not letting him react in any way.

I sat at the table, adding the last finishing touches before a guy walked over to me, hands in his pockets.

I looked up at him and gulped, he was thinking about it too. It was obvious, the air was thick with tension "Please, sit down. We'll be done in a minute." I asked and he obeyed.

The heavy kiss we had shared still lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the books and papers scattered on the table as we attempted to focus on the project.

He cleared his throat "So.. let's get this over with." He replied his voice low and strained.

I nodded, my gaze fixed on the textbook in front of me, though my mind was elsewhere. "Right, the project. That's why we're here," I replied, my attempt at nonchalance revealing the difficulty of dismissing the charged atmosphere.

The awkward silence that followed was filled with the weight of our shared secret. Each page turned and each word exchanged felt like a feeble attempt to divert our thoughts from the kiss that lingered in our memories.

"And then I think to end our presentation with his famous quote 'To be or not to be, that is the question.' I'll say the first part, you will the second." I explained and he nodded "Yeah, that's good. Are we done now?" He said standing up and I sighed.

"Do you not want to talk about it?" I hesitated fumbling with the pencil in my hands "What's there to talk about? It was a mistake, remember?" He painfully reminded me of the words I spat at him.

"Yes.. A mistake." I swallowed the lump in my throat and he nodded "Okay then, see you at the presentation.." He breathed turning around before walking away with his hands in his pockets.

Not even a minute later a girl rushed over to me "What the hell was that about Katherine?!" I looked at her with shock displayed on my face.

We sat in the library, the weight of the secret palpable. Simone looked at me, her expression a mix of confusion and concern. "Kathy, we've always shared everything. Why didn't you tell me about... about you and Joseph?"

I hesitated, avoiding Simone's gaze. "Simone, it's not what you think. It was a mistake, a moment of weakness. I never meant for it to happen.." I sighed letting my head rest on my hand.

Simone's eyes narrowed, a mixture of disappointment and disbelief crossing her face. "A mistake? Kissing your enemy doesn't just happen, Kathy. There's something more going on, and you owe me an explanation, as well as Michele."

I sighed, grappling with the right words. "Descamps and I have this complicated dynamic. We argue, we fight, but then... last night happened.. It doesn't make sense, and I can't wrap my head around it, I'm supposed to hate him for what he did.." I looked down at the paper.

Simone's expression softened, her concern turning to empathy. "Kathy, I get that relationships are messy, but Joseph? He's your enemy, not someone you should be kissing." 

"I know, I should have never returned it. But it was as if my body took over control.."

"To be or not to be." "That is the question." We ended the presentation with forced professionalism receiving applause from our classmates.

"Great job, both of you. Now.. was it that hard working together?" Marcellin stated 'Yes.'

I looked at Descamps, but he was already looking at me. Annoyed, you could tell by his face as I diverted my gaze elsewhere.

The school bell rang and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, we had 2 weeks off of school which at the moment was perfect.

I did not have to run into him these whole 2 weeks.


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