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Dead to me - Kali Uchis

The bell rang again as I cleaned out my plate and hurried over to Michele and Simone who were waiting for me.

"Your hair is really pretty you know." I told Michele as we walked toward classroom and she smiled "Thank you. But I would never complain again if I had your hair."

"Oh trust me, my hair isn't as easy as you'd th-" I opened the door to the classroom where I was met with something.

Something wet, something which made me and Michele completely drenched, Descamps and Dupin had put a bucket of water on top of the door.

I was shocked, drenched, and water was dripping everywhere, I didn't know what to do as I stood there, not speaking or uttering a word.

I looked around me as everyone's eyes were focused on us, what I hadn't noticed was that my blouse including Michele's was now completely see-through exposing what we had on beneath it.

This cannot be happening.. I thought to myself.

"Wow, Katherine pink seems to be your color. Is it a matching set?" Descamps laughed at me before Mrs. Couret walked in and his smile faded.

She looked around at us seeing the state we were in and she quickly sat her bag down before taking off her coat and sling it around to protect us from even more stares.

"Keep an eye on them." She spoke and guided us over to the nurse's office.

"We can dry your dress and blouse in the nurse's office. It's okay." She reassured us but that might've been the least of my worries.

I had put on the extra spare tights I kept in case the one I was wearing ripped and the spare blouse the school had to offer. My skirt dried quickly as Michele was still changing.

"When I get my hands on him, I swear." I was angry, really angry as I was seated on one of the beds.

"Descamps and Dupin are dicks, nothing we can do about it." She responded "God, I hate him."

Laubrac entered the infirmary as Michele quickly pulled the blouse over her head "You're bleeding.." I noticed.

"Wasn't me." He said and Michele chuckled "It's never you." 

I smiled hopping off the bed "But if it wasn't you, who was it?"

"Descamps." My eyes widened "Descamps hit you?!" I raised my voice.

"No, no. Descamps got hit. He might lose his eye." He explained and my mouth fell open.

Somewhere I felt for him, what he did was a dick move and someone had to put him in his place. But losing an eye over this.. he certainly didn't deserve that.

Not at the moment though, I was to furious to even think straight.

Michele and I continued to go to school today, we couldn't care less what they'd think. 

School was over as we finally left the hellhole place "You guys are so brave, I could never pull that off." Simone beamed at us before skipping the last step of stairs as we walked to my bike.

"Don't give me any credit, my skirt dried quickly and I had spare tights in my bag." I responded running my hand through my hair.

"Still, you came back. I would of went home." She spoke and I searched for the key to my bike before finding it in the small compartment.

"Ah, here's my key. See you guys tomorrow?" I smiled and they nodded waving back to me.

"I'm home!" I yelled through the quiet halls of my home before the sound of heels clicking against the floor was heard.

"Hey dear, how was your first day of school?" She waited eagerly for my response as I hung my jacket on the hanger next to the front door.


She looked at my hair before taking a small end "I brought some dye. I'll be waiting in the bathroom." She strolled quickly up the stairs and I sighed.

"There. As good as new." I looked at the blonde hair in the mirror feeling a wave of disappointment wash over me.

"I wish you would let me have my natural hair.." I sighed looking at the annoyed expression of my mother through the mirror.

"You know why, Katherine. It's better like this." She put away the supplies and walked out the door.

"Dinner is ready, by the way." She yelled from down the hall.

― HEY!

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― HEY!

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Are there any things I should change, more tension and more moments are coming up already!

do I wanna know. joseph descampsWhere stories live. Discover now