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Crazy in Love (Remix) - Beyonce

I sat still at my vanity, waiting for Descamps and combing my blonde hair thinking about what Simone and Michele had told me.

A bowl of strawberries stood on the dresser which I occasionally ate from when I thought to myself.

Do I bring it up, or do I keep quiet?

My thoughts had been interrupted by the doorbell and I slipped on my flats before heading downstairs, not in a hurry of course. He can wait.

I opened the door and he had his back turned to me smoking a cigarette and I grew annoyed.

"You're late." I spoke and he turned around taking one last drag and blew it onto my face before  flicking the cigarette on the ground and stepping on it "Finally, thought I was gonna freeze to death."

I rolled my eyes leading him inside and closed the door, I could see he was impressed by the house, but he would never admit that, he was too stubborn.

"So, are we doing this or what? I wanna get out of here." He exclaimed and I looked up at him irritated.

"God, just follow me." I said and walked up the stairs "Are your parents not home?" He asked and I looked back to shake my head.

"No, my mother comes home in a bit and my father is on a trip." I said opening the door to my room where 'Be My Baby' by The Ronettes was playing on my vinyl record player.

I looked back at him and it was as if he entered a new dimension.

"Why is everything so colorful." He said before looking at the huge bookshelf and chuckled "I knew you liked books, but this much?"

"I love books, I always have one with me." I said sitting down on my bed as I let the man wander my room.

"I know." He spoke not bothering to look back and I was confused, how did he know?

"Please, turn this rubbish off." He sighed annoyed at the music.

"God, you're no fun. You probably only like Elvis." I rolled my eyes standing up from my bed before scanning through the vinyls.

"I do actually, what's wrong with that?" He muttered and I chuckled.

"Nothing, he has good music." I said taking one of his vinyl in my hand and taking out the one from The Ronettes, replacing it with 'Blue Hawaii' as it played 'Can't Help Falling in Love'.

'Wise men say..'

I placed the one from The Ronettes back in the cover and sighed "Now let's begin, the sooner we are done, the better."

I turned around and he had sat himself at my vanity eating the strawberries in the bowl.

'Only fools rush in..'

"So, first of all. I think we should choose Jane Austen as the writer for our project, I know a lot about her, and I love her books so we would be done in a heartbeat." I proposed.


'But I can't help..'

I grew annoyed "What do you mean no, we will be done so fast. Isn't that what we both want."

"I'm not doing a woman as our project." He looked through the things on my desk.

'Falling in love with you..'

do I wanna know. joseph descampsWhere stories live. Discover now