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Pretty When You Cry - Lana Del Rey

It had stopped raining as I wandered the empty streets of our town, my heart still beating fast knowing the things I was up to just about 30 minutes ago, my clothes now dry offered a secure feeling and a small chuckle left my lips.

I couldn't shake the lingering sensation of Joseph's touch, the memory of our shared passion imprinted on my skin. The vulnerability we had exposed in each other had created a bond that transcended the complexities of their past, and I knew I was gonna be sore tomorrow.

Lost in my reflections, I hadn't noticed the person leaning against the wall of a building "Kathy..?" Simone spoke carefully and my head shot up.

"Simone? What are you doing out here so late?" I asked her confusedly and she furrowed her eyebrows "What are you doing out here so late? You don't even live in this part.." 

I looked at her for a few seconds, thinking of an excuse before I sighed.

"So, uhm. Something happened, tonight. Between me and Joseph.." I hesitantly spoke, afraid of how she'd react.

Simone's expression shifted from confusion to a mix of concern and curiosity. "Between you and Joseph? What happened?" she asked, her voice a careful blend of apprehension.

"Well, Joseph told on Michele and Jean-Pierre.. which made me incredibly angry.." I spoke and Simone sighed "Ohh.. so that's why he's not here." 

"What do you mean?" I asked and she looked at me "I was supposed to be meeting him here. But he never showed, Joseph told their parents? What a fucking dick.." She cursed and my gaze fell to the ground.

"Yeah, that's. That's what I thought as well, so I thought it would be a good idea to confront him about it and.." I chuckled nervously as Simone looked up at me.

"And what, Kathy?" "And, well, things just spiraled from there," I admitted, a mix of uncertainty and vulnerability in my voice.

"Our conversation started with anger and accusations, but then it shifted.. And, I kind of confessed my love for him which turned into us making out in the alleyway.. To us ending up inside his bedroom.." I stopped to look at her reaction and her mouth hung open from shock.

"You slept with Joseph Descamps-" she exclaimed, her surprise evident.

I swiftly brought my hands to cover her mouth, desperately hushing her. "Stop yelling!" I whispered urgently, casting a nervous glance around to ensure our conversation remained private.

Simone's eyes bore into mine, a mixture of shock, disbelief, and concern. I removed my hands from her mouth, allowing her to speak, but the shock persisted in her expression.

"Kathy, I.. I don't even know what to say. I'm happy for you, of course." Simone muttered, her words a hesitant attempt to process the unexpected revelation.

I chuckled "I don't even know what it is that keeps pulling me toward him, but I'm glad I finally let it loose." 

Simone's concern lingered, but she softened a bit, realizing the complexity of the situation. "Just promise me you'll be careful, Kathy. I care about you, and I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I know, Simone. I'm glad I have you." I pulled her in for a hug which she happily returned "Now, let's get you home. I'm not letting you walk all the way by yourself."

We wandered through the alleyway of Michele's charcuterie before we heard a faint calling.

"Simone, Katherine." I looked at Simone before my eyes wandered up to where Michele was sitting by her window.

"Michele?" I asked "What are you guys doing here?" Michele asked and Simone explained, "I was supposed to meet Jean-Pierre when I ran into Kathy."

"He's not allowed out, we've been punished because of Descamps." She muttered and I looked at the ground feeling a small sense of guilt creep up on me.

"Can you guys please do me a favor.." She asked and my eyes wandered back up "Anything."

"I was supposed to meet Alain, he's waiting for me at the park. Can you guys please go to the park and tell him I can't come."

"Tell him I'm not allowed to come out, I'm not allowed to see him anymore.." I frowned "I'm sure there's a way, Michele." 

A yelling was heard from inside the house and she quickly jumped off to close her window and muttered a quick 'Thank you.'

"Let's go." Simone pulled my arm and I followed her, looking back once more before we both ran off to go find Alain.

Upon arriving at my doorstep, I reluctantly swung the door open, greeted by the immediate resonance of my mother's voice piercing through the air. "Katherine Vermont, where have you been?" she exclaimed.

Without wasting a moment, I kicked off my shoes and hastily made my way to the living room, where my mother was perched. However, to my surprise, she wasn't alone.

"Katherine..," my father's voice cut through the tension, causing me to come to an abrupt halt. "Father..?" I stammered, the unexpected presence of my dad intensifying the already charged atmosphere.

― Small filler chapter while I'm writing the next one, literally so busy omg

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― Small filler chapter while I'm writing the next one, literally so busy omg.




I've also noticed the amount of hate I've gotten for this book and guys, it's not that deep.
Maybe it's not really the best enemies to lovers, but mind you I haven't written one.

This is my first ever enemies to lovers.


do I wanna know. joseph descampsWhere stories live. Discover now