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Strawberry Shortcake - Melanie Martinez

The rest of my holiday was nothing crazy, I hadn't talked to Simone in days as well as Descamps, I was still pissed at her for lying to me and Michele.

And Descamps.. I couldn't face him..

I slumped on my bed, feeling a heavy dose of shame after that kiss a couple of days ago, again. The simplicity of the action clashed with the mess of emotions in my head. 

I couldn't shake off the embarrassment, wondering why I let it happen again.

In my room's quiet, I thought about it, feeling like I broke my own rules. The shame stuck, like a constant reminder of my own weakness. I questioned myself, why desire seemed to mess up my better judgment.

The room was still, but my mind was loud with regret. The shame hung around, making me rethink the lines I drew and the choices I made. In simple words, it felt like I let myself down, and that stung more than I expected.

I huffed before turning the light on my bedside table off and went to sleep.

"Happy New Year, Pichon! Happy new year, Felbec and Applebaum!" I waved at them with a smile and their mouths hung open in disbelief.

"Happy New Year, Katherine." They stammered in unison, I didn't know why but I was happy today, a sort of glow hung over me when I entered the schoolyard.

In the schoolyard, I saw Simone and Michele walking together. It had been a few days since our argument. Simone looked at me, and our eyes met briefly, carrying the weight of our unresolved issues. 

Michele, noticing the tension, glanced between us. They walked past, leaving a sense of unease in the air. The fallout from our argument lingered, making the schoolyard feel heavier than usual.

I also spotted Joseph from across the hallway. Our eyes met but it felt like a charged moment. We didn't say anything, just exchanged a look, and the usual hostility felt slightly different. 

Mrs. Giraud's class had just ended when Lamaziere shot up eagerly "Are you in a hurry, Mr Lamaziere?" She asked and Descamps chuckled "Oh yes, he's in a real hurry." 

I furrowed my eyebrows, what kind of nonsense were they going at now? I grabbed my bag and headed out the door and I could feel Simone's eyes on me when I walked down the stairs.

I went to sit outside underneath the little building, my bench next to Felbec and Pichon's as I read from my book 'Pride and Prejudice'.

I kept watch of the scene in front of me by the toilets and overheard Felbec "It's completely reckless what they're doing, they're risking expulsion for something so dumb, and Applebaum is in on it with them." With the occasional agreements from Pichon, or so he thinks.

"His grades aren't very good to begin with, and on top of that, it's wrong. It starts innocently enough and ends in big consequences."

"Right." Pichon spoke before he turned around to Felbec "You couldn't lend me 10 cents, could you?" He hesitated and Felbec looked disappointed "Not you too, Pichon.."

do I wanna know. joseph descampsWhere stories live. Discover now