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Friends - Chase Atlantic

I had just now started the book 'Pride and Prejudice' which I was reading quietly outside on one of the benches as Simone and Michele chatted away next to me.

You know that feeling when your being watched? I was having that feeling, right now. I glanced over the top of my book to see if I could spot the person, but I couldn't.

"Is anyone else having the feeling they're being watched?" They stopped to look at me "Well yeah, all the time, were a few of the only girls here." Simone answered and I shrugged it off, she had a point.

"How do you reckon your brother's hearing is gonna go?" I asked Michele and she sighed "I hope it will be alright." "I don't think he will get expelled, like Simone said, he has good grades and nice manners. And definitely isn't bad to look at." I chuckled and she lightly slapped my arm.

"Are you really saying that about my brother, shame on you, Kathy!" She chuckled

"Are you guys interested in being the class leader?" I said closing my book and sliding a paper between the pages so I knew where to begin again.

"Not really, Giraud hates girls. Besides, I don't know the answer." Simone answered crossing her legs "It's 490 before Christ, it's not in the history book though." I said and they looked at me.

"Do you want to be class leader?" Michele asked and I shook my head "Not really, I just love ancient Greece." I smiled

"Can you be any more perfect?" Simone sighed.

Perfect, god. I'm far from perfect. If only she knew how imperfect I was.

8 years ago..

I was walking through our town, both of my hands being held tightly by my mother and my father who for once wasn't on a trip.

They made me jump high by lifting me with their hands and I giggled loudly before a woman stopped us "Marie! How are you? I haven't seen you in so many years, I'm visiting someone." She shouted excitedly before pulling my mother into a hug.

My father patted my head and the woman looked down at me as her smile fell.

"What happened to her hair..?" She asked my mother quietly.

"What do you mean? It's her natural hair color.." My mother smiled in confusion as she ran a hand through my hair.

"Didn't she used to have blonde hair, as a baby?" "Well, yes but-"

"She could be satanic, or a witch. Neither one of you is ginger.." She grimaced at me and I tugged my mom's hand "Mother.. what does she mean?" I asked looking at my mother's face with a hint of sadness.

My mother looked shocked and overwhelmed "How dare you say that! She's a gift." My mother yelled at her before the woman raised her eyebrows "A gift from hell.." She muttered before walking away.

I was leaning onto the wall waiting for Simone to be done so I could change as well.

"How come the boys have a whole locker room, and we get the teacher's bathroom." Simone spoke before Michele sighed "My brother hates me."

"Oh stop it." I rested my hand on her shoulder "No really, even before all this. He always kept his distance." She looked at me with a sorrowful expression.

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