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(I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys)

I took a deep breath as Joseph and I found a quieter spot away from the celebratory chaos. The echoes of laughter and joy seemed distant as we faced each other, a lingering tension between us.

"Joseph," I began, choosing my words carefully, "With school closing and everything, I think we need to talk about.. us."

He nodded slowly with a stupid smirk "Oh, there's an 'us' now?"

I maintained my composure despite Joseph's smirk, choosing not to let his teasing derail the seriousness of the conversation.

"I think I've been a little harsh to you at the party.." I started "You don't say." He replied sarcastically.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his sassy response. "Okay, maybe more than a little harsh. Look, I'm sorry okay. I think you dancing with Heloise kind of, ticked me off."

"You were jealous," he remarked, a playful glint in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes, attempting to deny it initially. "Jealous? No way. I don't get jealous. It's just that.. it bothered me. You know, the whole dancing thing."

Joseph's smirk persisted as if he saw through my attempt to play it cool. "Come on, Katherine. Admit it. You were totally jealous."

I let out an exaggerated sigh. "Fine, maybe a tiny bit. But don't let it get to your head. It's not like it means anything."

We both chuckled, the tension easing a bit as we navigated the awkward dance of acknowledging our feelings amidst the banter.

"You're not gonna let me live this down, are you?" I sighed.

Joseph grinned, enjoying the moment. "Not a chance. You being jealous? That's going in the history books."

"Yeah, well.. Don't act like you weren't jealous. I could literally taste it," I retorted, playfully raising an eyebrow.

"I was jealous." His quick response caught me almost off guard as he looked me in my eyes intensely.

I blinked, surprised by his honesty. The playful banter took a turn into a more serious note, and for a moment, the air between us held a different kind of tension, a mix of acknowledgment and curiosity.

"You're not denying it..?" I asked, my voice softer, probing for a deeper understanding.

"I can't deny it, because It's true. I was jealous, I could not stand his hands roaming your body. The way he smiled at you irked me in a way I cannot explain."

His words hung in the air, and for the first time, I found myself utterly speechless. The unexpected admission had caught me off guard, and my mind raced to process the depth of his feelings. 

The unspoken tension crackled between us as we stood in a moment that felt both fragile and charged, opening a door to emotions that had long been buried beneath the surface.

"Joseph, I.." I didn't know what to say, I couldn't speak.

"Katherine, I know what happened last night, vaguely. I know my mother caught you." He explained.

"You did?" I asked and he nodded "Just be happy she didn't catch us a few days prior." He replied cockily.

It took some time for me to figure out, and when I did, my eyes widened. I slapped his arm as my face turned slightly red "Joseph!" I checked around to see if anyone was close enough range.

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