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(R U Mine? - Arctic Monkeys)

Determined to shake off the unexpected hurt and confusion, I took a deep breath and made a swift decision. Glancing around the room, my eyes fell on Dupin, Descamps' best friend.

Without overthinking, I made my way through the crowd to where he stood, talking with a few friends.

"Mind if I steal him for a dance?" I asked with a playful smile, trying to mask the anger and hurt swirling within me.

Dupin, caught off guard but pleasantly surprised, agreed, and we found ourselves on the dance floor.

The music shifted to a lively beat, playing 'Blue Suede Shoes' and I allowed the rhythm to guide my movements.

Dancing with Dupin, I kept looking over my shoulder, just to see if he was looking, and oh, he was. The music provided a temporary escape, and the energetic atmosphere of the dance floor enveloped us.

I caught Descamps' gaze briefly, his expression registering a mix of surprise and something I couldn't quite decipher.

The rhythm of the music carried us, and with each movement, I felt a surge of determination. Dancing with Dupin wasn't just a diversion, it was also my way of telling Joseph that I could play his game, at least for the moment.

Simone cheered me on proudly and I showed her a swift smile.

Descamps stood on the outskirts of the dance floor, his gaze fixed on me as I danced with Dupin. With each passing moment, his agitation grew more palpable. The playful banter and laughter between Dupin and I only fueled the fire within him.

His jaw clenched, and his fingers tightened around his drink as he watched my carefree movements. "Are you alright?" Heloise spoke softly as he looked at her "Of course, why would you say that?"

Heloise, noting Descamps' growing unrest, raised an eyebrow in concern. "You just seem a bit tense, that's all," she replied, her eyes flickering toward the dance floor where Dupin and I continued our lively dance.

Descamps forced a tight smile. "I'm fine, really. Just not in the mood for all this dancing and festivity." His attempt to brush off his inner turmoil was met with a skeptical glance from Heloise.

"Alright, if you say so." She shrugged, but her curiosity lingered. Descamps, unable to shake the turmoil inside, excused himself from the conversation and retreated to a quieter corner of the room.

As the music played on and the dance floor pulsed with energy, Descamps found himself caught in the web of emotions. The sight of Katherine, his Katherine, dancing with Dupin, seemingly unfazed by his presence, gnawed at him.

Descamps observed with a tightening jaw as the scene unfolded before him. His eyes honed in on Dupin, scrutinizing the placement of his hands on Katherine's curves.

Every touch, every sway of their bodies, ignited a fierce jealousy within him that raced through his mind like a relentless storm. He should be in Dupin's place.

Dupin's confident hands seemed to navigate effortlessly across Katherine's form, setting Descamps' thoughts ablaze at the intimate connection.

The way Dupin's smile played on his lips, a familiarity that sparked irritation, further fueled Descamps' growing anger. The curves that had occupied his thoughts at 60 kilometers an hour were now seemingly claimed by another, intensifying the jealousy within him.

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