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Obsessed - Mariah Carey

I stomped over to the little club he had formed, and an amused Descamps sat watching my every move, his eyes darting over my body.

"Give them back." I put my hands on my hips looking down at him "I don't know what you're talking about." He smirked to the side as his friends laughed.

"God, you know what I'm talking about. Give Applebaum back his glasses or.." He stood up towering over me, being 25 cm taller than me immediately gave him the impression he had some kind of power over me.

"Or what, little Miss Perfect? Is that a threat, or do I get something in exchange?" He sighed looking into my eyes and I could feel my blood boil when I heard the laughter around me.

He held his lips close to my ear "Maybe something pink?" He whispered lowly and his friends burst out laughing.

"You fucking-"

"Miss Vermont and Mr Descamps.. can any one of you explain to me why you're here?" Mr. Bellanger asked us and I looked to my left to see the bruise sitting on his cheek.

He glanced at me his eyes piercing through mine and I cleared my throat diverting my eyes to the ground "I punched Descamps, sir." 

He sighed running his hands over his face "Detention, both of you after school today."

"But that's not fair! She was the one who couldn't keep her hands to herself!" He looked at me with a scoff.

"Oh, how ironic!" I snapped back "Quiet, both of you. I don't have time for this today." He sighed, and I left the room and headed over to Simone and Michele.

"You can stop following me," I spoke hearing the sound of my shoes hit the floor, as well as Descamps.

"What were you telling him?" I furrowed my eyebrows "Who?" I looked back and he looked down at me.

"I saw you talking to that guy in PE, the one who made me lose my eye. What were you saying?" The nerve of this man was unbelievable "Do you mean Jean Pierre? Why do you care." I scoffed putting pace in my step, but he kept following me.

"I don't." He said and I stopped walking to turn around to him but I must've been so fast he hadn't stopped walking yet and bumped into me.

To avoid falling he grabbed my arms out of reflex and took a step back "God, you're so clumsy Katherine."

I looked at his hands on my arms, they weren't clean and it looked like they were being picked at.

"I think that's one of the first times you've said my name properly." I glanced up at him and he scoffed before letting go and brushed past me with his hands back in his pockets.

I opened the door to be met by Simone and Michele. "I was gone for just a few moments and you punched Descamps!?" Michele whisper-shouted with a chuckle.

"I'm not proud of it," I spoke before they looked at me.

"Okay, maybe a little." I chuckled.

"And so. Who deserves to be class leader?" Mrs. Giraud spoke and Felbec raised his hand "Mr. Felbec." He stood up.

"Did you find the date of the Battle of Marathon?" She asked folding her hands over each other "Fifth century B.C." He answered.

"Correct. But would you say '20th century' if I asked about the Battle of Verdun?" For a brief moment, there was some relief in his eyes, but it was quickly taken away as he slowly but sadly sat down.

Descamps raised his hand and my expression turned to one of confusion.

"Mr Descamps, can you do better?" He stood up "490 before Christ.

Even Mrs. Giraud was stunned, there was no way he knew that by himself.

"Congratulations, Descamps. That's impressive. Can you tell me where you found the date?"

He looked around "In the.. textbook." "Surprising. The Persian Wars aren't part of the curriculum." "Maybe it was another book. I don't remember." He scratched the back of his neck and I smiled almost unable to contain my chuckle.

"If you've already forgotten something that happened today, how will you remember anything to get your diploma?" She folded her arms over each other when Pichon stood up.

"I gave him the date." And to say I was shocked was an understatement "I'm listening, Pichon."

"490 B.C. is in the manual on Ancient Greece. And I know that because.. I read it in the book." His answer called with uncertainty.

"Why did you give the answer to Descamps?" Mrs. Giraud asked and I glanced at Descamps, his body language told me he was slightly embarrassed, an emotion I never would have thought he could have, let alone show.

"I.. I wasn't sure I could do it." Pichon replied and I frowned "Being a class leader, ma'am." 

"There are worse faults than humility. Certain students, boys and girls, should remember that." I looked at Descamps as he smirked at her comment.

"Pichon, you are our class leader."


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