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Cinnamon Girl - Lana Del Rey

"Are you guys going to the party tonight?" Michele asked as we walked over to the gate and I looked at Simone confused "Party? There's a party?" I asked.

They nodded and waited eagerly for my answer but I shook my head "Party's aren't really my thing.. besides, I have got detention right now." I sighed and they frowned.

"We understand, good luck with Descamps." They laughed and I smiled walking back into the school building.

"Miss Vermont, please sit down over there." Mr. Douillard pointed to the empty table at the back "Alright, thank you." I spoke and went to sit down when the door opened for a second time.

"Mr Descamps, have a seat over here." Douillard said pointing over at the table in front of him.

He sighed sitting down before looking back at me with an empty expression.

"Eyes in front of yourself, Descamps. There's a worksheet I made for you both, have that done by the end of the 2 hours." 

About 1 hour in I finished up the worksheet raising my hand "Yes, Miss Vermont?" He waited for my reply "I'm done with the worksheet." 

"Very well-" A bunch of crashing was heard outside and Mr. Douillard shot up "Those little bastards.. Sit, be quiet, and do your work." He said before hurrying out of the room.

"But I've already-" I sighed leaning my chin on my hand before Descamps stood up and walked over to me.

He grabbed my worksheet off the table without saying a word and he was about to walk back to his table before I shot up "Hey, what are you doing!" I exclaimed trying to reach my worksheet.

"I need the answers, now don't be a wuss." He looked back with a sigh.

"No, you cannot have my answers!" I tried to grab the worksheet back before he held it up high with a smirk.

"Oh, come on!" I tried to reach it but to my avail, I was nowhere near it with my hand, which he found quite amusing.

"Are you enjoying this?" I snapped at him and he chuckled "Quite so, yeah. Aren't you?" He smirked.

"Not really, no." I grabbed his arm and yanked it down finally grabbing my worksheet back, I turned around but he grabbed my arm back and lowered his head so it was right by my ear.

"I let you take it, let that be clear.." He whispered lowly and I scoffed.

It was about 8 pm and I was finishing up some of my homework before my mother called from downstairs.

I jumped up slipping my feet into the slippers that lay next to my bed.

"Yes, mother?" I replied, "Would you be a dear and grab some supplies from town, I need them for tomorrow." I looked at her, then out the window, and scoffed.

"You want me to go out at night, 8 pm, in the rain? For some supplies? You said they were needed for tomorrow why do you need them now?" I groaned.

"Because I won't have time, please Katherine.." She begged and I rolled my eyes "Fine.." I sighed.

"You're the best! Love you! The list is on the table." I grabbed the note and the umbrella out of the rack yelling 'I love you' back before heading upstairs to change into something warm.

The bike ride was peaceful despite the rain, and I actually quite enjoyed it.

It was quiet at night, the raindrops making small ticking sounds before they stopped completely as I rode my bike through the empty streets.

Well, almost empty, I could see someone lying against a wall with a bottle of.. alcohol?

I slowed down the pace I was biking at before I came to a full stop, hopped off, and locked it.

"Sir, are you okay?" I spoke but there wasn't even any movement. I nudged him and the male groaned looking up as the dim street light showed his features.

My eyes widened and I sighed "Katherine.. Is that you.." He slurred "Yes, Descamps. It's me."

I thought briefly about what I was gonna do, I couldn't just leave him there.

I groaned before reaching out my hand"Come on. You're soaking wet.." "You're soaking wet." He repeated what I said with a smirk before taking my hand and stood up.

"I swear to god, Descamps I will leave you out here on the streets." He wobbled a bit before I slung his arm around my neck and I could hold him up while supporting him with my other arm.

"Don't leave me.." He stopped talking and I looked at him "What?" I asked confused before seeing the bruises on his face that weren't the ones I had created.

"Wait.. what did you do? Did you get into a fight?" I looked at him and he scoffed slurring "You're not my mother.. quit whining.." 

"But they are fresh, there's still blood on your face." I dug for answers when I brought my hand to wipe away the blood but he hissed sharply.

"Okay fine, I won't ask about it anymore." I started walking dragging him along as he gave the directions to his house.

I knocked on the door and a worried woman opened it "Angel.." 

If only she knew.

She sighed bringing her hands to touch his cheek but he hissed and she frowned "What did you do?"

I cleared my throat so she would know I was there and her gaze fell on me, she looked puzzled, like she knew me or had seen me before and was trying to remember who I was.

"I think he got into a fight.." I told her and she looked at him worried "I have to go now, I saw him lying on the streets. I couldn't just leave him there."

She thanked me and I went to turn around before I heard a low voice slurring "Don't leave.."

He was drunk, he didn't mean that.



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