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Carmen - Lana Del Rey

It was everything the news on the radio talked about, a mixed school with boys and girls together and the way new dynamics would be formed for the better or worse.

Was it really that special? God, I wished I could have gone to an all-girls school, but my parents disagreed.

"It will be good for our reputation!" These were the exact words my father spoke as he patted my head.

Would it really? Because I'm not so sure.

I looked at myself as I ran my fingers through my blonde hair and grabbed the comb that was sitting on my vanity.

Brushing my hair my mother knocked on my door.

"Yes, mother?" I asked and she opened the door with a smile walking over to me "Come come, smile a bit. This will be good, I promise." She laid a hand on my cheek.

"I have to see for that myself.." I sighed and she rested her hand on my head as I laid down the brush.

"We have to dye your hair again.. It washes out so soon after just a couple of showers.." She spoke and I sighed "Do we really have to." I looked up at her.

"Yes, Katherine. We can't have people speculating about us. You know this." She sighed annoyed and I rolled my eyes at her standing up to dust off my pleated light blue skirt. 

"Now come on. You'll be late." That was the last thing she said before walking out of my room and I put on my white loafer pumps.

I headed to the garage and I took the white bike I had gotten in the summer in my hands.

"I'm really doing this huh." I sighed slinging my brown satchel over the bike into the little crate in front of it.

I took it off the pedal and took a few steps before actually getting on the bike and driving out of the gate away from my house.

The bike ride took about 20 minutes going through the forest and I listened to the nature around me taking in the scenery, I had always loved the outside and walks and took pride in moments like this. 

Maybe it isn't so bad after all.

I arrived and hopped off my bike to put a lock around it, I took the satchel out of the crate as I dusted off the blouse that now smelled like my favorite perfume and the outside. 

It seemed I was one of the last ones to arrive because when I walked through the gate, all eyes were on me.

And I'm not exaggerating, all eyes were on me. At first, I thought something was wrong with my appearance so I fixed my headband. But that didn't stop them from staring at me, or whispering about me.

Boys are perverted, and gross.

I only really looked a few of them in the eyes, and some of them even winked. But even if, most of them looked like dicks anyway..

As I walked further glancing through the crowd I locked eyes with a guy on a bench and as soon as he noticed, he smirked. It ticked me off for whatever reason so I walked ahead with a scoff.

I approached 2 girls and a guy by the bulletin board, they seemed nice. I scanned the classes on the board and finally found my name under..

"Giraud.." I spoke out loud and they turned to me gulping.

"What's wrong?" I asked in confusion fiddling with the handle of my satchel.

"You're gorgeous.." The brown-haired girl sighed. It caught me by surprise "Oh.. thank you so much." I looked down with a quick smile.

"What are your names?" I asked them with a smile "I'm Michele." "I'm Simone." They smiled at me and I waited for the guy to say his name.

"What's yours?" He looked at me wide-eyed.

"You, you want to know my name?" He furrowed his eyebrows, I nodded giggling "Of course, why not? It's good to know a few more people."

"Uh, I'm Henri. But everyone calls me Pichon." He smiled.

"I'm Katherine, but you can call me Kathy. Including you, Pichon." They laughed and I followed them heading to the front for a speech.

Maybe it wasn't so bad?

― HI!What could be a good reason for them to hate each other, because I have the perfect idea, but what could make them enemies

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― HI!
What could be a good reason for them to hate each other, because I have the perfect idea, but what could make them enemies.

and from enemies, to lovers. <3

do I wanna know. joseph descampsWhere stories live. Discover now