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She Knows - J.Cole

It was 2 weeks later after the Jean-Pierre and Simone scandal, and Michele still wasn't talking to the both of us.

2 weeks ago..

"What the fuck, Katherine!" Michele called out, her voice cutting through the air like a sharp blade. I turned, and my eyes widened as I saw the storm brewing in Michele's gaze.

She knew.

Michele approached, her footsteps echoing with a determined rhythm. "How could you!" she said, her tone cold and controlled, betraying the seething emotions beneath the surface.

I swallowed hard, a nervous flicker passing through my eyes. "Michele-"

"No!" Michele interrupted in disbelief. "How long did you know about Jean-Pierre and Simone, and you never thought to tell me?" The words hung in the air, heavy with accusation.

I hesitated, my gaze dropping to the ground. "Michele, I.. I didn't want to hurt you. They told me they would tell you eventually, I couldn't.."

A bitter laugh escaped Michele's lips. "Oh, how considerate of you. So, you just let me walk around, oblivious to the fact that my brother and my best friend were fucking each other behind my back?"

"I never meant to hurt you, Michele. I thought they were going to handle it," My eyes pleading for understanding.

Michele's anger intensified, and she shook her head in disbelief. "Handle it? Handle what, exactly? The fact that they were sneaking around, behind my back? You're my best friend, Katherine! You were supposed to have my back!"

I was torn, caught between remorse and a feeble attempt to defend myself. "Michele, I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to lose you as a friend, but I didn't want to betray their trust either."

Michele's frustration reached its peak. "You should've chosen me, Katherine. Friends don't keep secrets like that. I deserve to know when the people closest to me are stabbing me in the back."

The tension hung in the air, the weight of the revelation settling between us. Michele's fists clenched at her sides as she struggled to rein in her emotions.

"I need some time, Katherine. I can't believe you'd keep something like this from me. I thought I could trust you."

As Michele turned away, leaving me standing by the gates, I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal that had now tainted the once unbreakable bond of our friendship.

The truth had emerged, and the aftermath left a trail of shattered trust in its wake. There was almost no coming back from this.

It had also been two weeks since Joseph and I exchanged more than just trivial remarks or engaged in those annoyingly minuscule arguments that seemed to define our recent interactions.

The whole situation irked me, and I couldn't help but feel a peculiar yearning for the familiar banter we once shared. The realization hit me, did missing our arguments make me appear foolish?

I stayed home, I had no energy for any of it, but the persistent doorbell interrupted my thinking, prompting me to rise from my bed and walk down the stairs.

As I swung open the door, there stood Simone, it was raining so her hair was completely drenched, and a heavy sigh escaped her lips, mirroring my own weariness with everything that had happened.

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