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"Katherine! Don't go too far, promise?" Her mother yelled from the opening of the door watching her daughter run out the gate of their mansion.

"Promise!" The 10-year-old yelled back eyes full of joy heading towards the house in the far back of the neighbourhood.

It was raining, and Katherine was begging to go outside. Her mother didn't understand why "Kids.." she thought.

Jumping through the puddles she giggled, her long ginger hair flowing through the wind and rain while she huffed and puffed out air.

She got to the house skipping over the tiles and rang the doorbell with a big smile.

The door opened slightly and she was met with the 11-year-old boy she quickly grew fond of in the last few weeks.

"H-" Opening her mouth to say something the boy cut off her words looking back into the house.

"My mom says I can't play with you anymore, stop coming over." He harshly said and her eyebrows furrowed "What-" The door got slammed in her face and she was left standing there in disbelief her hair soaked at this point.

Her lip quivered and it felt like an hour had gone by before she finally turned around as her eyes landed on something drenched in the cold of the rain.

A paper boat, her paper boat, the boat they made and watched. She walked over to it to pick it up as it laid in her hands. The letters of the newspaper rubbed off on her hands.

She sauntered back to her own house, head held low and the paper boat in her hands shielded from further getting drenched. 

She rang the gate to be let back in and through the rain and wind the loud screeching off it could still be heard.

The door opened as her mother handed her a towel to dry off "Already?" She asked and the girl looked up at her and nodded "I don't wanna be outside anymore, it's too cold." 

"What's that?" Her mother asked her about the boat in her hands while she softly ran her hands through her daughter's hair. 

"Just something I made." She answered lightly dapping it dry "No don't do that, the ink will stain the towel, come on." Her mother reprimanded her before leading her to the kitchen.

― Hi!Prologue is donee, let me know if you like the style I wrote in or if I should change some things up

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― Hi!
Prologue is donee, let me know if you like the style I wrote in or if I should change some things up. :)

ALSO, in need of some antics to piss each other off because I have some ideas but I need more if I wanna make this a slowburn <3

do I wanna know. joseph descampsWhere stories live. Discover now