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Jealousy - The Neighbourhood

I sat at my table behind Michele and Simone recalling last night's events through my head before Simone turned around quietly "Kathy, we have to tell you something important after class." 

I furrowed my eyebrows "About what?" 

"Descamps." I looked at her with a puzzled face.

"As you may know, this school likes experimenting with new methods. Next week we are trying something new. You are all gonna prepare a presentation but in pairs. And to decide the said pairs, I will ask each of you to come up here and take a name out of the bowl until everyone has a partner." Mr. Marcelin explained and I groaned quietly.

"Miss Vermont, would you like to go first?" I nodded standing up as Simone put two thumbs up and I smiled at her.

I walked towards the bowl chanting in my head 'Not Descamps, not Descamps.' I looked at him seeing an annoyed look on his face, the face that was watching me, and I mirrored it.

I cleared my throat before reaching into the bowl, every one of the guys intrigued by my partner was going to be.

Taking the small paper in my hands I unfolded it carefully.

I cursed under my breath 'You have got to be kidding me.' "Joseph Descamps.." I spoke looking at him and his eyebrows quirked up.

He groaned and I looked at Marcelin with a pleading look "Can I please have a different partner?" 

Descamps scoffed judgefully "Don't act like I want to be yours either."

I shot him an irritated look before Marcelin cleared his throat "No, Miss Vermont, you cannot change partners." He stated and I walked back to my seat before glimpsing at my partner.

"You guys are so lucky to have picked each other.. This cannot be happening, I'm working with Descamps." I put my head in my hands groaning.

"Kathy, we have to tell you something. About Descamps." I looked up at them before seeing Michele's brother, Jean-Pierre walk our way.

"Hey, Jean-Pierre!" I greeted him with a smile "Hello, Katherine." He smiled back at me before his eyes glanced over Simone "What was your name again? Simone?" He asked and she nodded fixing her hair.

"What do you want, Jean-Pierre?" Michele sighed and he handed her the book in his hands "This is yours, I accidentally took it." He said before walking away again shooting me a wave.

I waved back with a smile before I looked at Simone who had a jealous look on her face "What's up?" I asked her.

"Nothing-" "Katherine." I looked back at the source of the voice calling my name.

"What do you want, Descamps." I looked up at the man who had his hands in his pockets.

"Today after school, your house. The earlier we finish it, the better." He spoke and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Why don't we go to your house, it's closer." I said and he looked down at me confused "How do you know that?

Was he stupid?

"What, well yesterday- Okay, then.. I guess, my house it is. Don't be late." I told him in a haze and he scoffed walking away.

"Did he seem different to any of you?" I looked back at him "Katherine, something happened at the party yesterday." Michele whispered.

Then it dawned on me.. he went to the party that's where he got the bruises..

"Oh my god, did he fight at the party!? Is that it?" I exclaimed with a gasp and Simone put a hand over my mouth giggling "Keep your voice down." 

"Oh yes, I'm sorry." I chuckled "That's not all though.." Simone said.

At the party..

Joseph's POV.

Blasting music went through my ears as my bandage ached and itched.

I was leaning against a pillar holding a drink to my lips and a cigarette between my fingers when I overheard a conversation.

"You should have seen her in those tight shorts, the things I'd do to hit that.." A brunette guy boomed and I furrowed my eyebrows "Okay but that rack of hers, I couldn't focus the whole lesson." His friend snickered agreeing.

"What did you say about her?" I exclaimed over the music and chatter before I took a drag of the cigarette and threw it into my drink, placing it on the dresser.

"What..?" The brunette's smile faded as I walked closer to him, the people talking toned down.

"What did you say, about her." I spat at him and before he could even answer I let my fist collide with his face before I was dragged back by the other.

"Descamps! What are you doing!?" Dupin yelled at me when I pushed the other guy into the dresser and got harshly punched in the face by the brunette.

"Get out of my house!" He yelled and I scoffed.

"Moron.. Fine, but I'm taking this." I took the bottle of alcohol in my hands and opened the door holding my middle finger up at him.

The door was slammed into my face as I held the bottle to my mouth, the sound of the raindrops from outside trickling down mixed with the loud music annoyed me.

My mouth hung open, Joseph Descamps, the guy I hated, absolutely loathed stood up for me.

― I'm telling you guys, next chapter is gonna have some of YOUR mouths hung open, and some closed

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― I'm telling you guys, next chapter is gonna have some of YOUR mouths hung open, and some closed.. maybe even closed on each other.

Definitely not hinting at something. I'M SO EXCITED.

do I wanna know. joseph descampsWhere stories live. Discover now