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Do I wanna know? - Arctic Monkeys

I was racing at this point, pedaling like I was trying to win a bike race. I had left my house in quite a hurry and I loved to be on time.

There was no time for enjoying nature at the moment so I kept my mind straight ahead as I raced through the small town.

I was biking so fast I hadn't noticed the boy coming from my right out of an alley and at an ungodly speed we collided and fell to the ground.

I groaned as the impact knocked the air out of my body, it took me a few seconds to regain what happened when I heard some groaning beneath me and I jumped up apologizing profusely.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I should have slowed down I didn't see you!" I said before picking up my bike and scanning it for scratches.

"God, watch where your going. Even with one eye I could see you coming." The boy stood up groaning and annoyed as he dusted himself off.

I bend down to pick up my bag that was laid at his feet before freezing. Looking up at him, it was someone I didn't want to run into ever besides school. I knocked into Descamps.

I scoffed suddenly feeling no remorse for what had happened and stood up before I dusted myself off, the distance between us was only inches away and I could smell a strong cologne mixed with cigarettes that infiltrated into my nose.

"Now I wish I would have hit you harder. Maybe it would have knocked some respect into you." I looked him in the eyes, which was hard since there was a cotton bandaid over one.

"So snappy in the morning, already?" He smirked down at me.

"You infuriate me. How dare you act like you didn't sexually harass me and Michele yesterday!" I pointed my finger up at him furiously.

"Oh wow, look at you painting me the bad guy, it was just a funny prank. Besides, I lost an eye." He pointed at his eye and I scoffed.

"Which would have never happened if you weren't so eager to look at my boobs!" I hissed at him and I could see his eyes glance down before seeing a hint of redness on his face.

He looked away from me "God, why are you so annoying, get over it." he muttered looking back at me reaching into his jacket to take out a cigarette, and he lit it before bringing it to his lips.

"God, why do you feel the need to be such a dick.." I rolled my eyes.

For a brief second, I watched his lips take a drag of it and he blew the smoke in my face, I waved it away and turned around annoyed as he had a look of satisfaction on his face.

I slung my bag back into my crate scoffing "You know that shit kills you." I referred to the cigarette between his fingers before I sat back on my bike to ride away.

I heard him mutter something I couldn't quite hear and looked back at him to see him flick the cigarette on the ground and stomp on it.

I arrived still fairly early when I spotted Simone and Michele on their way to head up the stairs, I rushed over them as they were invested in their conversation.

".. With his perfectly combed hair, his good grades, nice manners. People are thinking about him. No one's thinking about the one-eyed boy." Simone spoke before I interrupted her.

"Well.. I wouldn't be so sure about that." They looked back at the sound of my voice before seeing what I meant.

Descamps entered through the gates as he stared at us with an empty expression.

"I did not expect to see him back so soon.." Simone sighed before we turned around and headed up the stairs entering the school building.

It was Mrs. Giraud's lesson and I was sat behind Simone and Michele taking notes, I was glancing around as my eyes landed on the back of Descamps head, he must've felt someone staring when he looked at me with a blank expression.

I couldn't read his face properly, and I quickly diverted my eyes away from him to pay attention again.

"Who can give me the dates of the Battle of the Marne?" Mrs. Giraud asked before Felbec and Annick both raised their hands "Mr. Felbec." He was called on and stood up.

"September 5th to the 12th, 1914." She nodded "Who were the opposing armies?" Another question and Annick's hand shot up to be called on.

"Miss Sabiani, are you going to jump on the desk for me to see you? Don't you think you draw enough attention as it is?" She spat at her and Simone looked at me with a expression that told 'What the fuck.'

"The opposing armies?" Giraud waited for her answer and she stood up "The French and the Germans." And the British Expeditionary Force..

"And the British Expeditionary Force. Don't raise your hand if you only know half the answer. And please tie your hair back, this isn't a party." I scoffed quietly before whispering to Simone.

"She's so old fashioned.." "Tell me about it." She rolled her eyes as Michele chuckled lightly.

I kept feeling someone staring at me "Okay, we'll talk more about the Battle of the Marne tomorrow. Let's move on to naming our class leader." She continued and Felbec raised his hand.

"Mr. Felbec?" He stood up "My teachers have always picked me as class leader. I'm studious and get good grades." He explained which was kind of cute, but the class laughed at him.

"Well, I'm not like your former teachers, Felbec. You'll have to earn it. Does the Battle of Marathon mean anything to anyone?" She was so mean, but the last part perked my ears up.

"I see. Whoever can tell me the date of the Battle of Marathon this afternoon will be named class leader."

Annick and Felbec looked at each other and you could sense the rivalry from over here.


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I hope I wrote it well it still felt like something was missing, but I always feel like that omg.

do I wanna know. joseph descampsWhere stories live. Discover now