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Friends - Chase Atlantic

I ran a hand through my natural red hair, a mixture of satisfaction and insecurity coursing through me.

I caught my reflection in the mirror and couldn't help but smile, feeling a genuine connection to the person staring back at me.

But as the minutes passed, my smile faded, giving way to a wave of apprehension. This century wasn't exactly a time of unbridled acceptance and individualism.

I knew people would talk, whisper, and perhaps even criticize my choice to break away from the societal norms, even if it was natural.

The fear of judgment clawed at the edges of my newfound confidence. I took a deep breath, trying to soften the rising anxiety.

"I shouldn't care what others think," I whispered to my reflection wiping at my mascara, attempting to reassure myself.

But it was inevitable, people could be unkind, especially when faced with something unfamiliar.

The societal expectations of this century weighed heavily on my decision, and the prospect of being an outsider in a world that demanded conformity made my stomach churn.

But it was something that was a part of me, and I shouldn't have to hide it just because others think otherwise.

They should just fucking deal with it.

I walked up to the gates of the school, I was so anxious. However, I wasn't just about to show that.

Instantly people looked and started to whisper, like I said it was inevitable. But the things they were saying weren't all bad.

Gross, but they weren't bad.

I walked up to Simone and Michele who looked at my hair with an open mouth "Kathy, I-"

"Yes, I've been dying it blonde.. This is my natural hair.." I bit my lip and waited for them to reply when they looked at each other.

Simone and Michele exchanged surprised glances, clearly caught off guard by the sudden change. Then, their expressions changed into ones of understanding and excitement.

Simone grinned and enveloped me in a tight hug. "Katherine, that's incredible! I love it!"

Michele nodded, a proud smile on her face. "Honestly, Kathy, your red hair suits you so well. It's vibrant and unique, just like you. I can't believe you've been hiding it all this time."

I felt a surge of warmth in my chest, their support acting as a shield against the prying eyes and whispers around us.

In that moment, I knew I had made the right choice.

As we walked into the school together, I realized that, while judgment might still linger, having friends who embraced the real me made the fear of societal scrutiny a little less daunting.

We greeted Herman, who had his arms crossed with a tight-lipped smile.

Obviously, he had noticed the frogs were gone and I had to refrain from the smile that crept upon my face.

As I sat down next to Annick, immediately someone pointed out my red hair, and the whispers began to circulate like wildfire through the classroom.

"Hey, Katherine, did you do something different with your hair?" It was Dupin, Joseph's best friend, and his comment immediately made him turn around.

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