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Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
(Strongly recommend putting this song on for ultimate experience.)

I retreated to the solitude of my room, the walls around me offering a momentary comfort from the confusing whirlwind of emotions. 

The anger burned within me, fueled by the knowledge that he had revealed sensitive information, intentionally causing harm to those closest to me. 

The betrayal stung, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. How could someone I once trusted with my innocent childhood secrets turn into someone like him?

Yet, amid the anger, confusion wrestled for dominance. Memories of our shared laughter, the boat we crafted from newspaper, and the countless afternoons we spent in the glow of the streetlights. 

The gap between the past and the present seemed unstoppable, leaving me in a state of disarray. I paced the room, attempting to soften the mix of emotions into some form of clarity. 

Seated on the edge of my bed, I stared at the framed boat.

I went over to it taking it in my hands as I flipped the wooden frame that held the thing I had treasured for so many years.

I flipped the little metal pieces that held it together and took out the boat carefully, I opened the bottom of it slightly, and a Polaroid picture fell out, landing on my desk.

I picked it up, my fingers tracing the edges as if searching for answers in the image.

I held the photograph to the dim light, revealing the younger versions of us, blissfully unaware of the complexities that awaited in the years ahead. 

There we were, side by side, the genuine smiles of friendship frozen in that moment. Turning the picture around, my eyes fell upon the simple inscription 'Joey & Kat,' accompanied by a little smiley face.

A bittersweet smile crept upon my face and I sighed putting everything back together, how could anyone go from a sweet boy, to such a fucking bully.

I furrowed my brows again biting on the inside of my cheek, was I about to let him get away with it? With outing my closest friends, just like that? No, the fuck I was not! 

The rain poured down relentlessly, each drop a percussion beat to the rhythm of my racing heart. I trudged along the slick pavement, my steps determined and fueled by a furious resolve.

The hood of my jacket provided little shelter as the raindrops stung my face, but I hardly noticed, anger burned hotter than any discomfort.

My destination loomed ahead, Joseph's house standing like a fortress amidst the storm. The puddles formed around my feet, mirroring the turbulent emotions that swirled within. 

I couldn't let him get away with what he had done, betraying my friendships for his selfish reasons.

The glow of streetlights danced in the rain-soaked air, casting eerie shadows that flickered with the storm's intensity. Each step took me closer to the confrontation that I knew would be a storm of its own.

As I approached Joseph's front door, my hand clenched into a fist, the wet fabric of my jacket sticking to my skin. 

I took a deep breath, suppressing the storm of emotions that threatened to flood me. Love and childhood memories, for now, had to take a back seat, my friends deserved answers.

do I wanna know. joseph descampsWhere stories live. Discover now