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Back to Black - Amy Winehouse

I walked slowly, my hair dyed freshly blonde.

I debated not dyeing it at all, but my mother would have screamed, I hadn't told her that someone knew yet, and I was afraid of the consequences.

I waved to Simone and she smiled brightly.

"Guess what he said." She spoke looking at me with disbelief "What did he say?" I chuckled intrigued.

"'Why don't you just lie to your parents?' Isn't that crazy.." She said and my mouth hung open as we walked into the schoolyard.

"He did not!" I furrowed my eyebrows and she nodded frantically "Does he even know me!? Oh, and get this. Apparently, Michele is seeing someone." Simone said.

"What!? Who!?" I exclaimed and she put a hand over my mouth "Keep your voice down!" I chuckled into her hand and we burst into laughter.

Walking up the stairs of the front door she turned her head to me "You know, you're the only one who doesn't have a relationship yet." She smiled and at that moment I spotted Descamps down the hall toward our class.

He looked at me with an empty expression before walking into the class with a scowl.

"Yeah." I laughed lightly my face falling at the empty space he stood previously.

I sat next to Annick, horrified at the sight on the desk.

"Frogs, wonder what we'll do with them." Descamps spoke looking back at me with a mean smirk.

"Miss Vermont, 10." I hadn't heard Mr. Herman and I grabbed the paper from his hands, folding my arms looking down.

The only thing I feared, were frogs, Ranidaphobia to be exact.

It was because of my youth, I was playing by a pond with a friend I had at the time and I fell into it, the pond was infested with frogs and they jumped everywhere, I couldn't look at them the same afterward.

"And finally, Miss Sabiani, 12." Herman told her and I applauded as well as the rest of the class "Good job, Annick!" I beamed and she smiled at me.

"Silence, enough of this circus. May I remind you I'm not marking you severely, you're just a bunch of dimwits." Herman sighed and I rolled my eyes.

"Right, you will be pleased to know. You will be dissecting frogs."

Whispers of excitement filled the room, but for me, a wave of anxiety swept over. With my irrational fear of frogs, it was gonna be absolute hell.

Sitting in front of me, Joseph overheard the announcement. A smirk played on his lips, though he refrained from saying anything, good thinking.

The tension between us from our argument still lingered, blocking any potential interactions.

As the news settled in, my eyes widened, and a shiver ran down my spine. The mere thought of dissecting a frog sent my heart racing.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, avoiding eye contact with Joseph. The fear of frogs seemed trivial in the grand scheme of things, but it was a vulnerability I preferred to keep hidden.

Joseph, however, did catch the unease in my demeanor, and couldn't help but feel a twinge of amusement was what I could sense.

I could see him slightly turn over to me, not saying a word but allowing a subtle half-smile to play on his lips.

do I wanna know. joseph descampsWhere stories live. Discover now