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You don't own me - SAYGRACE, G-EAZY

I was finishing reading 'Emma' outside on one of the benches when Simone joined me joyfully.

"What are you reading, Kathy?" She asked with a smile and I crossed my legs closing the book but leaving my thumb between so I would know where I left.

"It's called 'Emma', It's about a gorgeous, intelligent, and rich woman." I smiled whenever I got to talk about my books.

"Sounds interesting." She glanced down at my hands "How are your hands and nails so clean all the time.." I chuckled.

"There's a lot of work put in, but I could do your nails sometime." I smiled at her when I glanced down at the ground where I was met with something.

"Yes! I'd like that-" She responded before I jumped up "Get it away from me!" I whined taking a step back.

"Kat?" Simone furrowed her eyebrows as Michele walked over to us and she looked up at my feared expression "Now what happened here?" She chuckled and I pointed down at the frog.

Simone looked down chuckling as Michele went to pick it up and put it away.

I cleared my throat embarrassedly and dusted off my outfit.

The bell rang and I smiled back at them shaking my head "Sorry, I just think they are really terrifying."

We sat down in the cafeteria all the girls split over 2 tables and I continued eating the food while conversation was happening around me.

"Does the Latin teacher call on any of you?" One of the girls asked.

I shook my head "He ignores us, it's so dehumanizing." I quietly ate my food leaving the sausage for last.

The taste was horrid, god I hated the texture. But I was also starving.

"Is it true you're the supers niece?" Annick who was sitting across from me asked Michele who sighed "Yes."

I glanced over at Pichon who was heading to his table, he noticed me and smiled before he was shoved into our table by Descamps.

Everyone laughed as Pichon stammered "Sorry, Annick.. would you like my lunch?" He offered and I scoffed.

"No Pichon, It's that moron who should be doing something about it." I nodded over to Descamps when everyone's loud shocks were heard.

He raised his eyebrows "Is there a problem, Little Miss Perfect?" He smirked.

I scoffed at him before Michele stepped in "No she's right, you're being an absolute dick." I smirked biting my lip so my loud chuckle wouldn't be heard.

"What did you tell your uncle? 'Laubrac is innocent. Descamps is the bad one.' 'The dean's niece and the bastard.' A new love story." He snapped back and I folded my arms leaning on the table.

"What did you write on that note? It seemed to have been so important you had to show it to everyone." I looked him in the eye.

"I didn't write anything, it was a drawing. I was quite proud of it, considering you were my muse." He chuckled "Here, I'll show you."

He went on for about 10 seconds using the bottle of syrup next to him.

"What do you think?" He held the plate high and I scoffed loudly seeing a really bad drawing in syrup of tits, my tits supposedly.

"Well then, does this remind you of something?" I smirked taking the sausage I had saved for last in my hands as I broke it in two and I watched his smile fade "Of course, a smaller sausage would have been more accurate now wouldn't it?" 

Everyone went wild as I kept staring him in the eye his expression was agitated, I didn't care for all the chaos and mayhem. He needed to know that he wasn't being found funny nor was it attracting any of us, it was simply childish and gross.

"Oh my god, Katherine. I would have never guessed this side of you." Simone spoke and I turned to her "He needs to know he's being a dick, so I treated him like one. Give them a piece of their own medicine, you know."

But my oh my, the consequences..

― Hello!!

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― Hello!!

800 reads stop it! 
After the eyeball scandal they will get more tension and separate scenes don't worry I know it seems like I just copy and pasted her in the series but that will change for the better <333


do I wanna know. joseph descampsWhere stories live. Discover now