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Streets - Doja Cat


He slammed the door closed as he pushed me up against it and I jumped up to get my legs around his waist, he gasped slightly and I felt my heart race faster, a surge of desire coursing through my body.

The faint noise of his radio playing 'Put Your Head on My Shoulder' by Paul Anka only added more tension than there already was before.

My breath was shaky as I deepened into the kiss, he turned us around groaning slightly, his hands holding my ass for support as he broke the kiss briefly to catch his breath before resuming it once again, our mouths hungrily devouring each other's taste and tongue.

He walked over to his bed pushing me onto it lightly, my hands immediately going back to his hair as he hovered over me, his grip on my waist tightened, and he broke away from the kiss as his eyes wandered over my body giving me a satisfactory feeling.

His hands traced the curves of my body with a feather-light touch, leaving a trail of warmth that resonated deep within. My fingers, still tangled in his wet hair, sought solace in the familiar texture.

Our kiss evolved into a slower, more intimate one, a symphony of shared breaths and whispered confessions. The urgency that had marked the beginning shifted into a relaxed exploration, a tender unraveling of layers that had long guarded our vulnerabilities.

I felt the warmth of his skin beneath my fingertips as we navigated the terrain of each other's bodies. The soaked clothes, once a barrier, now clung to us in a way that spoke of a shared intimacy. His hands, strong and gentle, explored the landscape of my back, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

Our lips parted momentarily, our breaths ragged, and our eyes met in a silent exchange, a moment full of unspoken emotions. The room, bathed in the soft glow of dim light, cast by a lamp on his desk, felt like a sacred space where we embraced the delicate intricacies of desire.

I took off my blouse quickly, he eyed me as I unbuttoned it with an expression full of lust and need, my blouse revealed the same pink bra and he smirked "Oh, stop it.." I whispered.

"God, Katherine.. The effect you have on me." He whispered and I sighed lowly "I'm gonna need you to help me unhook it.." 

"You don't have to tell me twice.." His hands reached behind me and he let the bra fall, throwing it out of the way as it landed with a thud on the floor.

He caressed the curves of my breast before returning to my lips again, slowly his lips started exploring the canvas of my neck, leaving a trail of soft, lingering kisses that spoke volumes in the silent language of intimacy.

I moaned silently as he found my sweet spot which he made good use of, I tugged at his hair and he pulled away taking off his shirt.

My hands, guided by a newfound tenderness, traced the contours of his chest, mapping the rise and fall of each breath. 

The vulnerability in his eyes mirrored my own, and in that shared gaze, we discovered a connection that surpassed the complexities of our past as we kissed each other passionately.

Our movements became a mutual exploration, a delicate give-and-take that unfolded like the pages of an unwritten story. The air crackled with anticipation as the storm outside continued its way, a harmonious echo to the rhythm of our entwined bodies.

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