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Put Your Records On - Corinne Bailey Rae

I joined Michele and Simone, who I hadn't spoken too since Mrs. Giraud's lesson.

Simone was clutching her stomach and I looked at her "Are you okay?" I questioned and she nodded "Yeah, it's fine." "It doesn't look fine." I worriedly felt her head for a sign of hotness.

"Simone! You're burning up!" I exclaimed.

"You should get my aunt to write you a note, you really don't look good." Michele offered and I nodded.

"I'll take you, come on." I held an arm over her shoulder and Michele smiled at me "I'll see you guys later."

"Oh, and Michele, those frogs. You should steal them yourself, that will shut them up." They chuckled and I furrowed my eyebrows "What is she talking about?" I asked her as we walked toward the nurse's office.

"They think Michele will snitch, just because she's the supers niece. It's bugging her." I frowned "That's sad."

I led her down the stairs as she clutched the bag in her hands "Are you alright, Miss Palladino?" Mrs. Couret asked.

"She's not doing good, I was gonna take her to the nurse's office." I replied for her and Couret hurriedly walked up the stairs taking Simone in her arms from me.

"I'll take her, go to your class." She smiled at me and I nodded rubbing a hand over Simone's back "Get well, Simone."

I was reading one of my books on the bench under the trees when Applebaum and Lamaziere walked over to me.

The shadow of both of them cast over my book and I looked up, I could feel them staring, but I could also feel that they weren't the only ones staring "Yes? What can I do for you?" I smiled and they sat down on both of my sides.

"Are you actually gonna give the person who steals Herman's frogs an hour's private lesson, with you and Annick?" Lamaziere lit up like a kid.

I chuckled flipping a page "What? Did you want one with only me?" I teased and Applebaum was quick to reply "Yes."

I looked at him with a surprised look and smiled.

"Well, if someone manages to pull off the frog heist, I suppose they'll get the full package," I said, playing along with their amusement.

Applebaum grinned, his eyes filled with mischief. "Challenge accepted. We might just surprise you, Katherine."

Lamaziere leaned in, a playful glint in his eyes. "And if we do, you better be ready for that private lesson."

I laughed, enjoying the playful banter. "We'll see about that. But it won't be easy, boys. Herman guards those frogs like a dragon guards its treasure."

As they exchanged determined glances, I couldn't help but notice Descamps watching from a distance, his expression unreadable.

It seemed my little bet had sparked more interest and emotions than I initially anticipated. I returned to my book, a subtle smile playing on my lips, curious to see how this playful challenge would unfold.

Annick walked up to me with a smile "I think Pichon has the frogs." She giggled and my face lit up with both surprise and relief "Oh my god. No way!" She took my hand and led me toward the alley where everyone stood.

I locked eyes with Descamps, who was smoking against the car as I cleared my throat.

My smile fell a bit but Annick excitedly shook my shoulder and I turned back to her grinning.

do I wanna know. joseph descampsWhere stories live. Discover now