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Mannara's POV:

Phew... Well that was quite a long journey. I have reached India for somewhat ten minutes. I was in the restroom to freshen up as my car would come only after 20 min. I guess I should wait.. AGAIN!! Duh!...

Well I came out from the restroom and was going to the waiting venue as dad said my driver would come to pick me up. That's when I heard a familiar voice taking my name. No.. it wasn't just familiar.. It was HIM, I could recognize his voice anywhere anytime.. I smiled to myself thinking about it. I stood rooted to my place as I heard him take my name again little closely.. that is he is coming towards me. Oh no.. suddenly I was a tension freak.. Am I looking fine? Was he calling me itself? Should I turn back and look if he is referring anyone else?? Well I gained my courage and turned back just to see him 5 feet apart from me.

I thought of starting the conversation with Hii and greeting..

Mannara: Hii Ab...

But suddenly he pulled me into a tight hug that I felt numb all of a sudden. Before my senses could tell me to reciprocate he pulled off with a warm smile that I felt warmth rush through me all of a sudden!.. Abhi.. he always has this power.. I was brought back from my lala land by his hand shaking in front of my eyes. Oh Crap!

Abhi: Hey Mannara, what happened??

Mannara: Oh I'm Sorry...I just got off.. I smiled sheepishly to which he chuckled..

Abhi: Well.. you are that same Mannara.. You just returned from London?

Mannara: Yup

That's all I could say to him.

Abhi: Well same here.. Why don't you join me I'll drop you. You can call your driver and say that. What say??

Mannara: Sure why not..

I was totally overwhelmed by that!

In car :- 

I thought there would an awkward silence in the car.. But to my surprise, we were talking non-stop about our studies, different places, and our sweet home country....Truly, he is just like me, our like are same and we have many similarities.. woww we would make cool couple I guess...

Maybe seeing that I am in dreamland again, Abhi shook me twice, again breaking into my zone. That's when I realised that we have reached my house.... hmm.. Home Sweet Home Here I Am!!

We both came out and he gave the keys to Ramu kaka our driver to park the car. I greeted Ramu kaka.. and literally ran into the Main hall.. What to say I am dying to see my parents.. and of course my dii..

That's when I remembered I was not alone. I turned back to see him looking at the going on preperations from front gate to our Mansion.. Oh O.. looks like someone didn't tell their best friend about their big day !! Oh Dii.. Aap bhi naa..

Mannara: "Abhi..what happened?" I asked knowing that he was exactly clueless.

Abhi: Ah... Mannara.. Is there something that going on here??

OMG! His face was worth to watch

Mannara: Well, you can ask that to your best friend herself. Come lets get in.

I said and was followed by a confused Abhi..

In hall:

I saw Dad in his arm chair in living hall with mom serving his usual morning cup of tea...as expected.

Mannara: "Mom! Dad!.. I am back!".. I screamed as I approached them getting a tight hug from both of them. After taking Aaashirvaad from them I moved aside tears brimming my eyes.. I was seeing after such a long time..oh..I missed them!

Abhi: Hi Uncle, Aunty... Kese ho aap? Abhi asked while taking Ashirvaad and

greeting them.

Dad: We are doing good beta! Good to see you back too..

Dad said smiling at him.

That's when I heard footsteps from upstairs and I saw my di running towards us. I grinned looking at her.. She came to me.. and took me into a tight bear hug! Oh god yeh di and her hug!!

Isha: "Hey sis how are you? Have you lost your mind or what.. You didn't even messaged me for two whole weeks... Well forget all that How was your exams? Did you miss me huh?? Are you tired??.. "

Mannara: Dii just relax I am not going anywhere right at this moment.. so please slow down your questions... and yes I am hell tired right now. I am hungry too..

I said while pouting and all burst into laughter...what I said the truth.. I Am Hungry!!

That's when she noticed Abhi. A smile crept on her lips and they shared bff hug and the moment was so warmful to see!!

Abhi: Well what's going on here?? Anything special??

He enquired as soon as they broke the hug.

Mom: Acha Beta.. your best friend didn't tell you anything? Its her wedding by one week!

Mom said caressing di's hair while she smiled at mom.

Well I didn't knew that its going to be in just ONE week..oh god! I had lot to prepare..

Abhi: Oh I dint knew it Aunty..well looks like my kiddoo started forgetting her BFF...

Abhi said nonchalantly giving di a look. Well I couldn't understand what it meant. I think he is hurt as didn't knew. oh ho... yeh di bhi naa..

Abhi: Well looks like I have to leave now.. I will come soon bye uncle, aunty.

He just nooded at me which I gave back and he just stared at di for some seconds and left from the hall. oh no.. I think he is really angry at her. Well they will just sort it out I know them. They are like this always.

So I went to my room, freshened up, ate breakfast and just went and laid down on my bed slipping off into a deep slumber.. Oh god from tomorrow it'll be hectic for me, as my house will be a wedding house. So let me take the sleep that I'll miss one whole week! Jeez..





So hope this chapter is a good one. Its really gonna be a hectic week for the Sood's as its their Elder daughter's Big day in just 7 days! So wait for next chapter to see the entry of our Dulheraja!.. Till then good bye..

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