It's a rOller coaSter of TwiSts! 😵

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Without seeking much attention Anjali scurried Mannara to where she asked her assistant to meet her.

Anjali : What are you looking at? Jaldi chal!

She said to him tapping from backwards asking him to turn towards them.

'Aye Aye! Ma'am.' He greeted her with a smile,while Anjali stood frozen . 

Anjali : Ne..Neil!!

She exclaimed confused if her own voice as it stammered, gripping the handle of the wheelchair tighter. Suddenly someone tapped her from behind making her startle as she turned backwards.

Aishwariya : Why? You will only greet him Anjali?
Aishwariya asked pouting and tilting her head.

Anjali : Wow!! G-Guys. So good to see you both after soo long. I am surprised actually.

Anjali managed to say looking at them. But frowned seeing a slight smirk on both of their faces. 

Aishwariya : Well, we are also so very surprised!!

Anjali smiled to that slightly again frowning thinking about what it meant. Her thoughts were disturbed as she looked ahead of her.


The way things were puddling up one by one was disturbing Munawar's mind. And to add on that, he really felt strange seeing Mannara's behaviour, especially since this morning. She seemed restless regarding some matter and he knew it must be connected to this. But what? That too was bothering him from the morning and as she busied herself during the whole day, he thought to ask about it at night.

His thoughts were disturbed by the sudden sound, as the door flung open as Mannara entered their room. Her face held the restlessness of her mind and it somewhat looked grimacing,as expected by him. Now he was more concerned as to know what is she thinking of,and hiding from him.

Munawar : Mannara. Are you okay? You seem really tensed. What's bo...

But yet again he understood that she was in her own thoughts and was zoned off. Sighing, he walked towards her and kept a hand on her shoulder nudging it slightly, bringing her back to present reality.

Munawar : Mannara! What happened yaar? What's-

Mannara : Munawar please,not now. I am not in a mood to talk right now. And especially nothing related to what happened morning or about Di. Please.

She said in a tired tone not even looking at him properly.

Munawar : Why do you have to interpret everything beforehand. I was not going to ask about any of those. I wanted to ask you what's bothering you Mannara.

Munawar said slightly offended for mistaking him, thus his voice appearing a bit annoyed at her response.

Mannara : Ugh...And I don't intend to have a fight over it now, please!? I am so tired Munawar. So let it be. And also I have to go....

She stopped herself from blabbering further as it slipped out her mouth. Nervously though,she looked at him to know his reaction and saw the doubt twinkling in his eyes. Did he get it. Now what!? She mentally slammed her.

Munawar : You have to go? Where??

He asked, seriousness coated at the edge of his tone. Mannara gulped thinking for something to come up with. She took a long breathe as she got something. She looked up at him straight as if she was annoyed at him.

Mannara : Yes! I am going. Going to Jahnvi's room. Atleast there I will get to sleep rather than being interrogated,I guess.

She said and swiftly moved past him to take her night robe, leaving him to process her words.

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