Don't Dreams Come true??

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Mannara's POV:-

I was shocked to see the message. What shall I do now? Should I go to meet him? But this late... What if its important. Okay I'm going.

Mannara: Where shall we meet. I'll come there. I texted back and got a reply within seconds. Wait! was he waiting for my reply?

Him: Come to the backyard I am there..


As it was half past ten, everybody were in their room. I sneaked out through the backdoor to see someone standing there looking and maybe enjoying the view of the clear night sky.

Mannara: Abhi... I called or rather whispered as I didn't want anyone to know that we were here. He came out of his thoughts and looked at me. That's when I noticed that his ever warm eyes were not charming now. Rather it felt like...blank!

Mannara: Why did you want to see me? I asked straightaway. I wasn't getting a good vibe from his expressions.

Abhi: Mannara... I..I am sorry...

He looked at me and I am sure he have seen my confused face, so he continued....

Abhi: I don't want to hurt you Mannara..... but I can't marry you!

That's when it knocked me out. I was numb, not even able take the words in.

Mannara: What are you saying Abhi?? I managed to say that somehow, although my heart giving me an answer I didn't want to hear... no no please...

Abhi: I... I love someone else.. I need to go back to her.. I can't stay here Mannara..This city always gives me trouble.. I don't want to stay here...I can't Mannara... Please understand me..

He let out everything he was holding within. But what can I do..? I couldn't console him right now. Cause one broken soul cannot heal another! How could he do this to me??

Mannara: Why did you do this to me Abhi?? Why didn't.. you tt..tell this when they asked about your decision?? I was more like asking to myself and was stuttering with words..

Abhi: Because I...I couldn't say anything to them.. I didn't want to hurt any one of you.. That's why I am leaving Mannara...I am going back Australia.... today! He said lowering his head in guilt. I wanted to scream, shout at him...but I couldn't... just couldn't !!

Mannara: Its your life Abhi..Y..You have the right to live it the way you want.. I am no one to stop you.. You may leave...

Abhi: Mannara..I just wanted you to know the truth.. I can't be a good husband for you when I still love someone....I can't break you more...

Mannara: Abhi please... please leave...

Okay! Now that was enough! I can't take it anymore.. I felt like the words were suffocating me.. Saying that much I turned around and went back hastily.. not even looking back.

When I was inside my house.. I sat in the corner taking in air.. No, this was not happening with me. I could see my dreams, my world shattering infront of my eyes. I felt like my heart is aching, breaking into pieces by each passing second. The happy faces of my dad, mom, di.. everything flashed infront of me. But I can't force someone to love me right?? He is right.. he can never love me! But I can't be fragile, I know I need to move on! I can't put my life and family in misery for someone who does not Love me! Huh...

I composed myself after sometime, as I wanted to be strong for myself... Rubbing off the last tear stains for him, I decided to leave this chapter of my life...

I had to sleep now. I need to get up early. At least I will be there for the happiness of my family. As I was going to my room I heard sniffing sounds.. At first I thought it was nothing but then I realized that those sounds were coming from di 's room... What? Is she crying? But why?? I decided to check on her. I went to her room and saw the door unlocked.. that's unusual as di always locks the door...

I entered the room and saw di sitting at the window side looking at her hands which were now full of mehendi..I approached her silently..

Mannara: Di... She lost the track of her thoughts and looked at me. After staring at me for few seconds she nodded at me asking me to come and sit beside her. I did as she asked me to.

Isha: You didn't sleep yet..?
She asked me and I could sense pain in her voice.

Mannara: "I had some work to complete. Thought to complete it and move on.."

I paused for a second reminiscing the bitter truth! She was observing me silently. No I can't show her that I am hurt.

Mannara: Well di..I could ask you the same question. She smiled at that.I think I could ease her pain by talking to her.

Mannara: What's bothering you di?

Isha: I don't know Mannara.. it's like I may never be the old me like you said... I was shocked to hear that..

Mannara: Di, please don't say like that. You are my Inspiration and I know you will never change for anything or anyone! I don't want you to change di. And if you think that you'll have to change after marriage.. Dii from my experience I can definitely say that Munawar is a nice man. He won't force you to change. Above all if we have someone who truly loves us then we can be ourselves, we can be free with them right?? I see that love in his eyes di.

Di was listening to each and every word carefully as if taking lectures.

Isha: You know...I don't want to hurt anyone.. She said finally hugging me, tears flowing from her precious eyes.

Mannara: And I know you Won't di... Don't you dare think that you hurt us by going away.. Are you serious di.?? Me, mom, dad we all are happy for you. But you do come for shopping with me! I said rubbing her back as an attempt to ease her tension. Oh God! Please don't break my di's heart ever. Let these two be happy.. always..!

Mannara: Okay di you SHOULD sleep now! I said sternly to which she nodded like a small child.

Isha: But I want you to be my side for today..

She said making puppy faces that I broke into a laugh after much time. Thus, we slept hugging each other and enjoying each others company where there was no boundary for love, care and possessiveness.





So yeah Abhi's chapter is over for Mannara.. Now let's if she will again believe in love!
Take care and bye.

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