Mission: Convincing Neil

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Mannara's POV:

I was sitting in the in the passenger seat of our car, calculating the outcomes of our Mission. Yes, 'Mission : Convincing Neil'.Sounds funny and simple right!? Huh..not in reality.But after Tejasswi Bhabhi's revelation yesterday, there is no other choice left.Me and Munawar were now going to Neil bhai's house.As per we planned, I had to try convincing, which is making me hell nervous right now.What if he says a NO.But I gave my word to Bhabhi that I'll try my best, so let's see if this works..

Munawar : Mannara..Where are you lost?

Breaking me out of my thoughts, Munawar called me. 

Munawar : We have reached.

Mannara : Huh..this much fast!!Hmm..okay let's get in I think.

Oh, God! Being in my own world of calculation, I didn't know that we were in front Neil bhai's house.

Munawar : Are you sure about this Mannara!?

Munawar asked as we got down from the car.I know he is not so sure about this idea of Karan bhai and is a little hesitant to face Neil bhai.

Mannara : Come'on Munawar, at least for Bhabhi we can give it a try.And you don't have to feel hesitant for this..

I assured him to which he nodded with a hum.

We were welcomed from the front by Aishwariya, as she was also to be present here while we talk with Neil bhai.We had informed her yesterday itself about this.

Aishwariya : Hey guys, I hope all goes well.All the best Mannara!!
I smiled to that.But where is Neil bhai!?

Aishwariya : Oh!He is in study room.Come let's go.
As if reading my mind she told and we were guided to his study room.

Aishwariya : Neil, look who has come to see you.

Aishwariya said knocking on the door.Soon after the door unlocked and Neil bhai stood almost shocked.

Neil : Mannara, you here!? He asked amused.

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