Isha is back!??

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Mannara's POV :-

As soon as Mom's call got disconnected, I went towards the Balcony, as I would be meeting Munawar there only. But as I held the door knob, it loosely flung open, much to my surprise as I had clearly locked it earlier. Wait!! Did he reach earlier?? I looked around towads the bed and seeing the unwrapped envelopes I knew he reached earlier... urghh... this man always ruins my surprises!

But nonetheless I couldn't hold back from seeing him that I sprang towards the balcony area only to stop in my tracks as I saw him standing there hugging someone else!! Hearing the sound of the door, he flinched and broke the hug and as I moved forward he saw my face, and his face turned out to be shocked and confused. But the moment my eyes fell on the other person, the phone clutched in my hands fell world came into a I saw Isha di looking at both of us as if she is confused! Huh...

Munawar : Isha ?

I came back to reality as I heard a shaking and confused voice of Munawar. What!? He didn't knew it was Di? He looked at me and through his eyes I could make out that he didn't knew. But how is that possible!?? But not giving another question a chance, I heard Di's voice.

Isha : Mannara! Why are you here..I mean in Munawar's house? both know each other?? Huh!? What is she talking about? What rubbish is this? Where would I be than in my house? Wait don't tell me that she don't know anything about my marriage, or whatever happened after her disappearance. 

Mannara : Di..wha..

But before I could complete my question, we heard a phone ring. It was Munawar's phone and looking at the screen he frowned making me worried. Excusing himself he went towards the room, but I got a hold on his hand.

Mannara : What is all this Munawar? What's happening??

I asked in a voice much for just both of us to hear, as Di was still standing at the spot near the railings.

Munawar : Trust me Mannara...I don't even know. I didn't even knew... that that it was not you. I am sorry...

Mannara : Munawar...But okay we will keep that topic aside. But what is she doing here. And why is she asking me abo...

But before I could complete, again his phone rang, and with a helpless face he went towards the room. I massaged my nose inorder to stay stable a few times. Whatever is happening, I am not getting a good vibe from it. I took my phone from the floor and while getting up I saw Di looking at me.

She seemed a bit... strange. How would she not know about whatever happened after that day?

And the way she looked around and all.. it did feel completely strange and weird. As I switched on my phone I saw a missed call and seeing the name, I knew this was important. I need to call back. As I turned to go to call back, Di called me back.

Isha: Mannara, wait. Now you are also going leaving me confused?
Her voice didn't feel like questioning but more like helpless.

Mannara : I didn't understand Di..

This was the first time since that day I was talking to her. Whenever I called her Di, it always was meant from heart, but this time it didn't feel like though.

Isha : Yahi ki.... What are you doing at Munawar's house and how do you both know each other!!??

Now this was getting into my nerves. I decided to tell her everything, if she knows or it is unknown, I don't care. But before I could say something we both turned towards the door as we heard Munawar's voice.

Munawar : Isha...we know each other. Mannara..Mannara is my..
Why is he hesitating in front of her??

Munawar: Mannara is my co-star in my new film. So, we know each other from the past few months!

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