Mulaqaat 👀👀 (Part 2)

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Munawar's POV:-

I went to meet my In-laws as my mom called but those EYES were still in my mind. As I approached them, I brushed off other thoughts and and greeted them, taking their blessings. I knew the Soods as they were long old family friends of ours although I haven't seen the Sood sisters in my childhood. Yes there are two daughters for Prathap uncle. I am getting Married to Isha. And she has a younger sister, I guess her name is Mannara or something like that as mentioned by Maa.

Prathap: Beta you haven't met our Mannara right. Wait I'll call Isha and Mannara here...

Oh, so I guessed her name correct. So now I'm going to meet the much awaited Mannara Sood! Prathap uncle called them there. Isha came first and we greeted each other. She is looking beautiful, as always I guess. Well that's when I heard a voice from my behind.

Mannara: Dad you called me....

I turned behind to see who it was. From her outfit I came to know that she is the one who danced there. But what strike me now was the fact that Mannara Sood is none other than that graceful dancer and the ONE whom I met today morning. Yes she was that Ms. Badtameez. I felt a bit wierd in knowing that!

Prathap: Mannara meet Munawar. Your..

Mannara: I know my to be Jiju right? Mannara asked looking at me with an understanding face. Looks like she recognized me. That's Good!

I smiled and nodded at her. We all sat there to talk and enjoy the evening and after that Isha was taken to her room as they had to prepare for Mehendi rasam. So looks like its time for me to go home and take some rest. Tomorrow is the big day of my life!!

I was searching for Karan and Teja as we three were going back together. That's when someone took my name. Actually not my name but...

Person: Mr. Raizada

I was actually amuzed to hear that. Nobody calls me Mr.Raizada. For everyone I am MSR or Munawar. I turned to the direction of the sound and found it to be Mannara

Mannara: Hey, Can I talk to you for a minute.

Munawar: Of course you may Mannara. But please don't call me Mr. Raizada. You can call me Munawar.

Mannara: Fine then its Munawar. She smiled and I nodded.

Munawar: So what do you want to tell me?

Mannara: Actually.. Munawar I'm so sorry for morning's incident. I have been a bit outspoken. I assumed you to be a worker and seeing you taking authority and all you know.. kind of annoyed me. So am really sorry for that.

Munawar: Arre its fine. You don't have to say Sorry and all. I was a bit stressed and I just lost it. I'm sorry too.. so can we just leave this topic?? What say?

Mannara: Yeah why not! So friends

She put forward her hands and we shook our hands smiling.

Munawar: Okay then. I better leave now. See you soon

Mannara: See you tomorrow!

And with that I went to pick my car. I saw Karan was waiting for me alone.

Munawar: Where's Teja dude?

Karan: Yaar your mom and Teja are staying here for some more time I guess.

Munawar: Okay lets go then. We went back to my home.

He was staying there today as he is like my brother and he should be and will be there with me on my Big day!! Well.. Time to take some rest!

Mannara's POV:-

Well now we had some time before Mehendi to start and we, that is My family and the Raichands were in dad's guest room. Other guests were having food and di was resting in her room till the ceremony starts. But what I don't get is Dad and Laksh uncle being silent from the time we entered this. I think there is something in their mind going on. And I got my answer soon.

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