Mrs. Jealous 😕

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Mannara's POV:

Oh God!! Where have you trapped me right now? I felt like crying, sitting in this sunny day on a valley, just for Nothing!! And all these credits goes to My so called Husband or the Great MSR!

When we came to drop Nazila, after which we were to go wandering the city, Munawar, being as modest as he could said that we will infact spend the Whole Day here, in this lone valley seeing Her shooting!

What's with him and a sudden change of the plans huh..!? I really don't understand this. Since morning, it was like Nazila naam-bhajan or I shall say 'Naz'.

Even during lunchtime, he didn't fail to keep her Entertained, by his witty jokes! But, it was different from yesterday although. Munawar was sitting beside me rather than in opposite side, but was fully engrossed in talking with his Naz about how much eager he was to shoot with her;. I bet that he was definitely not even aware that I was also sitting beside him.

Munawar : Mannara, please pass that Bowl na.

Oh! So he knew that I was sitting here too. Wow, it's a Miracle that he recognized me!! I took the bowl from other side and thought of serving it for him.

Munawar : Arre, it's not for me. It's for Nazila, she hasn't tasted it yet and I thought she should.
He said stopping me. Aww, how sweet of him!

I forced a smile and literally banged it into his free hand. He was a bit surprised by that sudden action, but I am in no mood to care.͵

Munawar : Come'on Naz, have a bit. I bet you will love it, it's actually superb.

He was explaining and recommending the dish as if he was the one who made itͺ.

Mannara : Why are you insisting this much if Nazila doesn't want it Munawar. Let her eat what she like.
I said, plastering a smile on my face. Why is he being so stubborn in making her eat that?

God, Really!?

Nazila : Oh, no no Mannara, he isn't forcing me afterall. Well, if he is giving this much credit to the dish, I think I should try some.

Munawar : Yeah, you should.

Saying it, he served her a bit and they resumed in their chat.

As I didn't want to interrupt Neil bhai and Aishwariya or Karan bhai and Bhabhi, I kept my gaze on my food, as yesterday at dinner. I am really not liking this Day!!

As if all these were not enough, the three that is Neil bhai, Karan bhai and Munawar went from the place urgently as they said they had to book our tickets back. Which meant Me, Tejasswi bhabhi and Aishwariya had to remain here itself. Crap!!

As we were sitting there, I was thinking about their sudden vanish in the name of ticket booking. I knew they were lying, as I had already confirmed from Joe about our departure. They are upto something for sure... Oh God, or is there a plan change and they intend to stay a bit back, as Nazila was also here. Maybe Munawar must have suggested !. I heard a ringing sound of phone and saw it was Aishwariya's.

Aishwariya : Guys, one second it's Neil's call, I'll be back.

As it was uncomfortable to speak in between this shoot and all, she moved to a much silent place. That's when I decided to tell my doubts to Tejasswi bhabhi.

Mannara : Bhabhi..I wanted to ask something... I began slowly.

Tejasswi : Haan, tell na Mannara. She said looking at me.

Mannara : Is there something going on, that we don't know. I mean, I know that they three didn't go to book the tickets as it's already booked. Are they upto something.. Do you have any clue about it...?

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