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Munawar's POV :-

Mannara : Ahhhh!!!!Munawar!!

I was moving fast towards the house, when I heard her scream. And I didn't need another second to break into a run. What happened there!??

Munawar : Mannara!

I banged opened the door to our room, to see a horror-faced Mannara standing in the middle of the room. The moment she saw me, she ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

Her hands were shivering as she clenched onto my T-shirt, her face hidden towards my chest. 

Mannara : M-Munawar..I am s-scared!!.

Her voice made me feel so worried. I patted on her hairs to calm her down. Once I was sure she was okay, I decided to ask, still not breaking away from her clutch.

Munawar : Okay, calm down Mannara..now tell me what happened!?

I tried to sound calm and released my grip smoothly. But it's like she was not gonna leave anytime soon, so I let her be and patted her hair and back.

Mannara : I.. I -I saw...There..there is..

She stammered pointing to one side of the room. 

Munawar : What's there!? Don't worry, just tell me.

I asked being alerted. Her hand which was pointing towards that side was shivering like hell. 

Mannara : Ther-There is Chameli....

Munawar: Huh...uh yeh Chameli hai kaun?

(Guys, Chameli is a chipkali. The name, here, is given by Mannara. And she is scared na, so let it be)

Mannara: There is a LIZARD Munawar!!!

Screaming at the top of her lungs, she again hid into my chest, as if hiding from monster or something.

Lizard! Like really!?? 

Now that was out of control for me. I burst out laughing like hell and within a few minutes I saw a shocked Mannara looking at me.

Munawar: Li-Lizard? Seriously Mannara, you were screaming like hell, just because of a lizard!?

I managed to ask in between my laughs, as I was not getting over it. She pouted looking at, like ready to cry at any moment.

Munawar : Tell me one thing. What all are left in your list of whom you are afraid. Water and now Lizard is already marked. Anything else, like cocroach uh..butterfly...?

I tried hard and finally was successful in controlling my laughter. And she narrowed her eyes at me.

Mannara : You know what? You are soo mean Munawar!! You are making fun of my phobias. So rude!!

She then hit my chest lightly with her hand, as if expressing her irritation, which I caught a hold on. Really, her face was so cute that I wanted to just pull her cheeks sooo hard like it would turn so reddy and all. But wait, her cheeks are red even now although!ͦ.

I pulled that hand forcefully, which was not expected by her and again she was close to me the way she was when she hugged me just mere minutes before, and god, I already missed it! Now you tell me guys.. How can I Ignore my Princess and how long!??

I was just staring at her round brown orbs which was my all time favourite thing to dwell into, until my gaze lowered to those lips which too contained that uncertainty and confusion going on in her mind. And the

Mannara : Uh..Munawar, I think you should also change into night dress. It's getting late.

Suddenly she moved back, provoking a disappointment to settle down down on my mind. But she is right, I should also change.

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