Revealed? 😳

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The next morning...

Isha was sitting in her bed,her face held a serious expression. She was startled to hear her phone ring all of a sudden and she picked it up with trembling hands.

Person : Good morning Babe...You ready for today's action drama,right?

The sneering voice wished her laughing at the last,while she still remained silent. 

Person : What happened? Whatever...Do it as we planned okay!! Just an hour left!!

The call got disconnected,while Isha still remained like that! She didn't know what to do,or what to feel. Her head was spinning and aching since yesterday. She was terrified about what was going to happen,since yesterday she came to know about the hidden dark side of the so called plan.

Due to her luck or not, she couldn't leave that bunglow while she was asked and expected to,as she forgot her scarf in that room. Without that she couldn't hire a cab from outside. And little did she know that the person was not expecting her to be there,that the whole event which was planned would be accidentally revealed to her, while she eavsdropped. The last lines made her choke silently, when she heard that 'The Sood Sisters will not be there'. That did mean....

She stood up from her sitting position, thinking about it. She felt suffocated.Why didn't she ever thought of this? Of course, cheating these many people, trying to make their lives miserable and ready to anything to achieve killing her or her sister won't be so hard right? 

Her hands trembled thinking about it again and again. Never did she wish it for her..or her sister! She didn't even knew about calling Mannara to somewhere and what if Mannara left for that place? No thiscouldn't happen..This...And yet she was sitting here as if if waiting for her role to end as that person said.

She came out of her room, she knew now what to do perfectly!!


At the airport....

Mannara finally managed to get through upto here, completely disguised,even covering her face. She didn't want to risk it,if at least any one among the people in the airport may find her out.

Mannara : Hush... finally!!

She slightly let go of the covering of her face, gasping for some good amount of oxygen. It may e the tension of risking upto here without anyone noticing at home,or the covering which made her out of breath till she reached the airport. She looked at her phone,half an hour more for the flight.

Mannara : That means,I have plenty of time to change into something comfy. Thank God!!

She went inside so as to find a restroom to change her dress. And on her way to find one,she heard a familiar voice,much to her unpleasantness given current timing. She turned around slightly, wishing it was just some random person,but her face colour faded as it was indeed Aishwariya! And not just there was indeed Neil with her!

Neil : least stop it now yaar. It's getting late,we better get going now. 

Aishwariya : Neil more selfie. Please please please......

She said with puppy eyes and Neil nodded as always.

Aishwariya : Okay..the lighting here is not good..Lemme check..ahhh....

She said trying different directions.

Just when Aishwariya turned and found a perfect spot for her selfie,she stopped mid track,as she felt like she saw someone familiar.

Aishwariya : Ma..Mannara..?

While Aishwariya was lost in her thoughts,Mannara turned around swiftly moving away from there, although she could hear Aishwariya calling out for Neil.

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