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"He's living there now?" Kira asked her brother as she strapped herself into the passenger seat of his car

"Yeah, he lives in Hackney I'm pretty sure" Kai said, letting Kira know that he had gotten in touch with one of their seniors, Seungmin, who's birthday party they were invited to last year. He now lived in London and asked Kai if they wanted to meet with him when they visited for Christmas

"It'll be nice to see him again...I really need his connections" She chuckled, knowing that he was a good student in the year above hers and would easily be able to put in a good word for her when it came to dental placements in Korea for the next semester.

"I'll text him and tell him to meet up with us, we should do a dinner or something" She said, taking out her phone that had started vibrating in her pocket. Her eyes narrowed at the fact that Jaehyun was calling her at a day where she wasn't exactly needed by him or meant to be working.

"Hold on, its my boss" she said, quickly answering the phone and rolling her eyes at his playful smirk from the drivers seat


"Hey...it's me. Are you busy right now?" He asked in quite a rushed tone that caught her attention

"No...not really. Why?" She asked

"Could you do me a really big favour?"


"Jihye's teacher called and said that she's throwing a tantrum or something and is just begging to be picked up and all my managers are with me in the dome right now. Could you just pick her up from school? I can send a driver right away" he asked, almost begged

"Yeah...I'm actually in the car with my brother right now, I could just go get her myself...if that's okay with you?" She asked and Jaehyun hesitated on the other end a little at the thought of a fan getting to see his daughter

"Okay yeah that's great, just not up to the house because of all the pictures you know?" He said, rushing his words as he heard the stage director call his name more than once

"Okay, just text me the details and I'll keep you updated" she said and he hung up the phone with a quick 'bye', sending the address of the school a few seconds and apologising for asking for such a big favour

"What's wrong?" Kai asked

"My boss needs me to pick up his daughter from school" she said, a surprised tone in her own voice

"Is that even in your job description?" He scoffed, as she changed the directions on the car's navigator to the school instead of the grocery store they had originally intended to go to

"Like why have you been going above and beyond for this old guy?" Kai asked and she sighed

"He's a single parent, I sort of feel bad for him" she said

"Why? Where's the mom?" He asked

"I don't know, I don't want to pry. And he's not old, he's pretty young...and he's just really busy with work" she said

"So like a dilf?" He asked and Kira snickered

"Yeah actually" she said

"I had no idea you were into that" Kai said, shuddering at the thought of it

"I'm not...into him!" She said, punching his arm

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" He snickered, and before they knew it, their banter had eventually ended as they pulled into the school.

"Hi...I'm here for Jeong Jihye. I'm her babysitter" she said to the receptionist that was near the entrance

"Oh yes, Mr. Jeong said she would be collected by her guardian...could I ask for ID proof?" She asked and Kira and Kai were soon brought into the playroom where Jihye was kept at, away from the other students

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