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"I'm so going to use this as your contact photo!" Kira smiled with a laugh as she took a 0.5x picture of him. While she thought it was the cutest picture of him, he was quick to grab her phone, wanting a better picture.

"You have me saved as cheater?!" Jaehyun exclaimed, getting the attention of the night-walking aunties in the neighbourhood as they walked through the local park

"I didn't know you back then" Jaehyun whined and she playfully rolled her eyes

"You should've known that I would enter your life, we're soulmates dawg" Kira exclaimed and Jaehyun let out an exasperated sigh, looking back at her phone before changing his contact name, opting for a picture of them holding hands as the contact photo as well.

"Soulmates?" He asked and she chuckled, shaking her head

"You don't believe in soulmates?" She asked, swinging their hands as they walked side by side

"Not really...I think if two people work hard for a relationship it's much more meaningful than a 'we're destined' type of thing" he said and she nodded, agreeing with him

"But you believe in aliens?" She asked with a chuckle

"A life form in another planet or galaxy is not the most absurd thing ever, like humans themselves are aliens as well and-"

"Okay okay, enough" she said, cutting off his rant with a sigh

"Here" he smiled, passing her phone back to her before taking his out of his pocket.

He grinned happily before pressing on her contact, making her phone ring in her hand to see his called ID

Boyfriend 🥊

Her heart thumped in her chest as she looked at the highlighted contact name, eyes widening at the fact that he was so subtle with these things.

"You're so cheesy!" She exclaimed, feeling heat rush to her cheeks, turning to him and he rolled his eyes, showing her his contact for her.

Girlfriend 🎱

"Not like you're lactose intolerant" he smirked and she chuckled, squeezing his hand.

"So we're boyfriend and girlfriend now?" She asked with a blush and he smirked

"Why? Not good enough? Should I just propose?" He teased and she chuckled, watching him slip one of his cold metal rings that had warmed on his skin onto her ring finger before reconnecting their hands again.

"But what if a sasaeng hacks your phone or something? Or like someone sees it-"

"Let them. I've been thinking about going public about it anyway" he mumbled, cutting off her strings of worries

"And Jihye too?" She asked, eyes widening at the thought of him moving so fast with her

"Well..." he thought for a second, sighing as he realised that he wasn't yet ready to go that far yet. She stopped walking, making him stop as well before she turned to face him

"I don't think it's a good idea...someone might see me with Jihye and jump to conclusions...we should be careful. She deserves to live in peace for a little longer" Kira said and he pulled her hand, bringing her closer to his body

"What about you? Aren't you going to get mad that we're always hiding and I'll be busy touring...there's going to be so many dating rumours and...I just don't want to lose you to that" he sighed and she smiled

"Look at us now, in public...this is perfect for me. You're an idol, and I like that side of you too. I'm your girlfriend but I'm still your fan...I have the best of both worlds...don't feel burdened by your career" She said and he smiled

"I'll always be your fan, no matter what" she smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck

"And the...dating rumours?" He asked hesitantly, knowing they were the current topic of interest in his career right now

"I will get mad about that...but you just have to prove to me you like me more everytime" She chuckled and he smiled

"Love" he said making her hum in response

"I love you, not like" he corrected, connecting their lips together as her heart palpitated against her chest again for the nth time that night.

"Well since you love me, can you give me a piggy back ride? I'm tired" she smiled shyly and he let out a chesty laugh that vibrated against her chest

"Hop on princess" he said, turning around and crouching down for her to climb onto his back

"Comfy?" He asked, gripping the underside of her thighs tightly to keep her secure as she wrapped her arms around his neck

"I love you too" She said into his ear, making him squeeze her thighs

"Now charge!" She ordered, pointing to the direction of their apartment complex and he laughed, running in the direction for a bit before slowly back down, walking normally with his girl on his back.

"Sleepover tonight?" She asked with a smirk as he scanned his card to their apartment complex and she hopped off his back

"Your brother is going to kill me" Jaehyun chuckled

"No its fine, he owes me" She persisted, tugging the sleeve of his hoodie, not being able to get enough of him already

"Owes you for what?" Jaehyun asked, leading them both into the elevator

"Not swallowing him when we were embryos" she stated bluntly and he laughed, ruffling the top of her head

"Im a little happy right now that i didn't grow up with a sibling" he said and she sheepishly smiled at him

"Plus Kelsey will be back home soon as well so Jihye can sleep with her" she said and Jaehyun smiled, deciding to be a little irresponsible tonight

"He won't tell her she was an accident right?" He asked and Kira laughed

"Of course not, me and Kai were test tube babies" Kira shrugged

"What?" He asked with wide eyes

"Yeah...my mum got IVF and twins are most likely to come from IVF or something like that" She said and he nodded slowly, but the topic of babies had her wondering whether this was the right time to tell him or not. The thought of him changing his words of affection on her troubled her mind instantly.

"You good baby?" He asked as the doors opened to his floor, reaching his front door and pressing in the keycode

"Since we're alone tonight...could we talk?" She asked and he nodded, squeezing her hand reassuringly as they walked into his new apartment, taking their shoes off at the door

"Let me just make you a cup of tea first and we'll talk in bed" he said, pressing a kiss onto the top of her head and she groaned

"Jesus Christ! Jaehyun, I'm about to get down on one knee at this rate. How are you so perfect?!" She exclaimed, angrily stomping off to his bedroom and he chuckled with confusion

"You're mad at me for that?" He asked

"Yes! You're actually so perfect it's pissing me off" she grumbled

"All yours baby, I'm all yours" he reassured, walking off into the kitchen with a grin as she turned to his bedroom, which now had a much bigger bed in the center of it making her smirk, noting in her head to tease him about it later.

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