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"Jae you're gonna have to stop getting me flowers" She said, placing the tulips into a half filled tall glass of water and planting it onto the table beside the lilies that Haerin had placed in the water jug.

"Good use of the jug" Jaehyun chuckled, noticing how the notes were off the stems, realising that what why he was let off so easy this morning.

"It was my idea" Kai said proudly, mid game while Taehyun took that opportunity to swerve his car enough to his Kai's

"Listen baby I really am sorry for what I said you know...I didn't mean it at all—you know that right? I was just so stressed and angry at the whole situation." Jaehyun sighed and she nodded

"And like keeping secrets is just...it's like a dealbreaker for me because... one day people go from lying about something small to eventually...running away and leaving their children behind so just...can we please implement like a no secret's policy between us?" He pleaded and she pouted, reaching up to hug him again

"Of course baby, I never wanted to keep it a secret from you either I just...you didn't really listen when I tried to tell you but it won't happen again okay?" She said and he embraced her back tightly, rubbing her back

"So if all this actually is too much to handle you'll tell me right? Like if it's not what you wa-"

"What? This is exactly what I want, what are you talking about?" She asked pulling away

"Well I mean...you just said that last night and...Hyesun kind of said you might be a little overwhelmed already" Jaehyun said with a sad smile, knowing that if she was to say yes to it, it would immediately mean a breakup. Jihye came with Jaehyun no matter what, who ever didn't want to take care of his child immediately meant they didn't get access to him either. But Kira knew that more than anyone

"Sh-she said that?" Kira asked with a scoff, pulling back fully to meet his saddened eyes

"I said it started to get a little too much but...that doesn't mean I won't try or I'm just going to give up on us...that's not what I meant at all" She said and he sighed with relief, melting into the hand that she placed on his cheek

"What else did she say? What's she doing here?" Kira asked, folding her arms over her chest and standing infront of him to have a serious conversation. Jaehyun took in a deep inhale before trying to remain as calm as possible

"She wants Jihye to move with her to America" he said softly, hoping it wasn't picked up by Jihye who was inbetween the two boys

"AMERICA?!" Kira exclaimed, and Jaehyun raised his brows placing a finger in his left ear that had started to ring by this point

"They wasted so much tea bro, you can't send her there" Kai said from the couch, but the Boston tea party joke went unnoticed by the two who seemed too unhappy to care

"Seriously Jae?" She asked and he sighed

"She brought it up last night but when we woke up this morning we—"

"Woah woah woah" she interrupted, taking a step closer to him, making him instinctively take one step back as she glared at him

"Wh-what?" He asked, as he took more steps back the closer she came, eventually trapping himself between the wall and her body

"You're telling me...your ex girlfriend stayed the night with you?" She asked, cocking up and eyebrow and he cleared his throat, getting a little nervous

"Uh oh" Kai sang from the sofa as they watched Jaehyun look helpless under her gaze

"We didn't—I promise we were not together, I slept on the couch and she slept with Jihye so—"

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