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"Oh god, how did it go?" Jaehyun's mother's voice rang through the room making the two look up from the sofa where they were recovering slowly from their cries.

"Where's Jihye?" She asked with slight panic and Kira sniffed

"She's with my brother, we didn't want her around for the fight" Kira spoke, getting up from Jaehyun's side to greet the woman, eyes trailing to the much older woman behind them

"So you two bullied a pregnant woman out of the house?" His mother asked with a sigh and Kira pouted

"She called me a bitch" Kira said defensively and his mother gasped

"Hyesun said that? What—she was such a sweet girl—ugh forget it, at least she's gone" his mother asked with a gasp and Jaehyun sighed, standing up to his feet. Before he could add anything to their conversation, silently wondering when the two got so close, his eyes landed on his grandmother.

His eyes flicked between Kira and his grandmother, worried for Kira more than ever for the interrogation that was yet to come.

"Grandma...what are you...?" Jaehyun trailed off, looking to his mother

"It's a Sunday Jae, she comes here after church for lunch" his mother reminded and he nodded

"So are you going to introduce me to your wife?" The older woman asked and Jaehyun's eyes widened, looking at his mother with a clenched jaw. It wasn't every day Kira go to be called Jung Jaehyun's wife, so she decided to make the most of it.

"Kira, nice to meet you" She smiled with a wave as Jaehyun sighed

"Grandma she's not my—"

"Hey hubby, why don't you go get some rest" Kira chuckled, patting his chest and Jaehyun rolled his eyes. His mother snickered, moving towards the kitchen.

"You two will stay for lunch right?" She asked and Mama Jung always made the best food

"Yes of course" Kira smiled, turning to Jaehyun

"We should probably get back to Jihye soon...doesn't Kai have work?" Jaehyun and Kira shrugged

"They'll mind her don't worry. You should eat properly before you go on tour" She said, mentioning his Jakarta tour he had to leave for tomorrow evening.

"She's right, your cheeks have sunken in! Are you even eating at all?!" His grandmother scolded, pinching his cheeks harshly making him groan as she finished with a slight slap to his flushed skin.

"You too Kira, how are you going to have children if you look like a stick? Are you an idol or something?" She asked, criticising the girl who snickered beside him


"No I'm not" Kira answered awkwardly

"Then? Eat properly. Don't diet like this idiot, you're not going to debut anyway" She said harshly with affection, walking off to the kitchen.

"I love her." Kira said in awe and Jaehyun chuckled, pulling Kira into a hug

"And I love you" he smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, embracing her in a hug.

"You know that was incredibly fucking hot...i never thought you were this good at arguing" he chuckled, a little worried Jihye would be an absolute menace in the future

"I guess I learnt a thing or two from my lawyer dad" she shrugged with a sigh, looking up at him as his eyes melted. She could tell he was in his paternal mode ever since this morning.

"And jihye will learn a lot from her dad too" she added with a smile and Jaehyun chuckled, his laugh vibrating against her chest

"Oh yeah? Like what" he asked, cocking his head to the side playfully

"Like how to grind on the stage to Love On The Floor and other...important life skills" She mumbled and he laughed, digging his head into her neck. He placed a kiss on her neck, inhaling the scent of her familiar perfume

"Can you guys set the table?" His mother asked from the kitchen and he distanced himself from her

"Come on wifey" he smirked, and she rolled her eyes

"You don't get to call me that unless you actually put a ring on it, you know?" She joked, waving her left hand in his face and he chuckled, turning his head to her. He parted his lips like he was about to say something, not remained quiet.

"What?" She asked and he only smiled, allowing her to poke his dimple.

"Nothing" he said, shaking his head, dragging her to the dining table before she could question it any further.

"So I never really asked, how did you guys start dating? Like i know how you met but...when did you guys realise you loved each other?" His mother asked, clapping her hands together excitedly and Jaehyun shyly looked down at the food infront of him

"Ah, look at his ears turning red" his grandma commented making him groan and throw his head back. And this is exactly what it was like to be raised by a family full of women, they needed to know everything.

"Wait I'm curious too, when did you realise you had feelings for me?" Kira asked with a blush, adding to the pressure and Jaehyun chuckled, running a hand through his black strands

"Hmm where should I begin..." he teased, as the three women had their eyes on him.

"Probably the night you came to set up the tree?" He said, turning to Kira and her eyes widened

"That long?!" She asked with shock and Jaehyun nodded slowly

"Jihye called you mommy that day and it probably added to it as well...and then when we spent the night with your friends during the storm, I was sure about my feelings" he said, a blush rising to his cheeks with every word as Kira looked at him with the softest eyes, as if she had fallen in love with him all over again.

"Aww that's so cute...Kira what about you?" His mother asked, snapping her out of her trance

"Hmm?" She asked, at a slight loss for words

"When did you realise you loved him?" She asked excitedly, growing fond of the girl already and Kira chuckled

"No more secrets right Jae" She asked with a chuckle making him smile before she turned to his mother with a serious expression.

"So it was February 19th, 2018. And the NCT-U Boss music video just dropped." She said seriously and Jaehyun practically choked on his rice, trying to suppress a laugh.

"Oh my god, you two are perfect for each other" his mother said, shaking her head at Kira's statement and watching her son smile brightly with so much happiness, a side to him that she hadn't seen is so long.

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