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"I'll catch up with you guys later" Kira smiled as Kai brought a limping Taehyun to their apartment complex.

"We can walk you up" Taehyun said and she chuckled

"It'll take a few light years with you" She said smiling at him with endearment

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Get some rest Tae" she said, pressing the button to the two floors above hers, deciding to visit Jaehyun.

It was 7am the next morning and she hadn't texted him back like Kai had tried to get her to all last night. She opted to switch off her phone after her call with her mom, wanting to get some peace of mind. She knew she was going to be in for a big earful today from him about it as well.

She punched in the keycode to his apartment, letting herself into the quiet house, kicking her shoes off and slinging her coat off her shoulders.

Her eyes laid on the man that slumped in the chair by the dining table, circling the rim of his coffee mug with his finger, too caught up in his thoughts to notice her footsteps.

"Hey ba-" he immediately jumped, cutting her off as he looked at her with slight disbelief

"You okay?" She asked, blinking with wide eyes, surprised by his skittish behaviour

"Why didn't you text me?" He asked, relaxing his tense shoulders

"Oh...I turned my phone off so—"

"You could have called or something beforehand." He muttered. Here it was. She sighed, placing her phone and keys on the table.

"I know, I was just...so tired" she said, avoiding his piercing gaze

"Tired? You were tired so you couldn't text me if you were okay?" He asked with a bitter tone, a scoff leaving his mouth

"Jae come on-"

"I was tired too Kira—fuck I didn't sleep at all lat night because I was was worried sick about where my girlfriend was an-"

"And I watched my best friend get stabbed last night because of me! So I'm sorry, but I can't be there for everyone all the fucking time!" She shouted. Her statement pierced through the air, shrilling in his ears.

The tears that immediately flew out onto her cheeks made his own feelings of disappointment and anger dissipate. He couldn't bare the sight of her blame herself for something completely out of her control. His feet moved quickly to get him out of his chair and to her body almost immediately.

"Hey...It's okay...and It wasn't because of you baby. I'm sorry...Your ex was the one-"

"It was Jae...my ex...and fuck even Jihye was there I just—I put everyone in danger" she cried into chest as he embraced her in an instant.

"I felt so guilty for what happened to Taehyun and Jihye and—and then my mom told me it was all my fault because—"

"You know, one of these days, me and your mom need to have a serious talk" Jaehyun sighed making her burst a short laugh in between her cries.

"Look at me" Jaehyun whispered, holding the sides of her arms to distance their bodies ever so slightly. Staring down into her teary red eyes while she looked back into his more concerned and tired ones, starting to feel guilty for keeping him up all night as well

"None of this was your fault. You didn't know any of this would happen" he said, lifting his hand to brush a strand of hair behind her ears

"But I should've known he would've came back...like I could've done something" she sighed

"Well I don't stay up at night worrying about my ex chasing me with a knife, touch wood, and no one else does either" he said, knocking on the oak table.

"I thought you weren't superstitious" she said, cracking a small smile and he smiled

"You can never be too careful" he said, planting a peck onto her salty lips.

"It was a horrible situation, and unfortunately Taehyun and Jihye got caught in the crossfire, that doesn't mean it's your fault" he said, pulling her back into a hug. Her heart swelled at his words, surprised that he wasn't blaming her for putting his daughter in danger, not even half as much as she blamed herself.

"Why don't you get some rest? I'll go get Jihye ready for school" Jaehyun said, eyeing the clock, trying to not show how tired he really was, hoping to calm the storm a little.

"Should I go talk to Jihye?" She asked and he sighed, remembering how upset and angry his daughter was about the fact that Kira had never came to get her 'as promised', the last thing he wanted was a temper tantrum from Jihye the second she saw Kira.

"No I think...she needs a bit of space" Jaehyun said, meeting the slight pout on her lips, he sent a reassuring smile, pecking her lips again.

"Get some rest, and maybe...check your phone" he said with slight nervousness in his words as he handed her phone back to her

"Why?" She questioned, and he shook his head, turning her around and guiding her towards his bedroom

"Did something happen?" She asked and he only hummed, pushing her in before closing the door, heading straight to Jihye's room to wake her up.

"Hey kiddo, you up?" He asked the tired girl who seemed to have a rough sleep since she was up most of the night. He thought letting her go to school might've been the better option instead of keeping her at home, but seeing the very tired expression on her face he was more than worried now.

"Jihye" he shook her slightly, earning a small groan in response

"You wanna stay home today?" He asked with a sigh, gaining a whine in response making him chuckle

"I'm serious though, just this once" he said, trying to set ultimatums with his sleepy child. He tucked her back in tightly, moving a few of the plushies who were 'protecting her' through the night off her bed.

"WHAT?!" He heard Kira shout from the muffled room and he sighed seeing Jihye's eyes flutter open at the sudden noise

"What's going on?" She mumbled tiredly

"Nothing baby, go back to sleep okay?" He said, patting her reassuringly before leaving her room to tend to his other baby. He smiled to himself that no matter how exhausted he was, his two girls could never not be the first thing on his mind.

"All good?" He asked, letting himself into his own room, seeing her changed into his hoodie and a pair of shorts she left in his place the last time, pacing around his room reading an article off her phone

"Literally why does dispatch even exist?! I'm going to kill all these fucking sasaengs I swear to god, that'll give them something to talk about!" She grumbled and Jaehyun chuckled, sitting down on his bed and pulling her away from her trail to his lap instead.

"Taeyong is going to kill me, isn't he?" She asked and he shook his head slowly

"I think we're good" he said. He should be worried, any other idol would be. But he was always a little unbothered by it all anyway. The older he got, the less other people's opinions actually bothered him. While it still hurt to know some fans wouldn't support it, it hurt even more to have to hide his whole life away.

"You think?" She asked, and he nodded

"They called us in to the agency later today" he said

"Us? Like you and me...us?" She asked, in slight disbelief of why SM was even bothering to have her around

"Yes...I can also go by myself but it would be nice if you came" he said and she sighed, knowing she would make herself go either way

"Is this what it feels like to meet someone's parents?" She asked, hyperventilating a little but he chuckled, pulling them both down onto the bed and eventually into the covers, hoping to get a little bit of sleep before showing his face to the agency.

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