bonus: 111

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"So how long have you been married?" He asked, eyeing the ring on her left hand

"Oh we're not married" she smiled and he nodded, doing his work and holding a conversation with her

"I see a ring though, when's the wedding?" He asked

"We haven't set a date...just whenever we're ready" she answered sheepishly

"He sure seems ready" he chuckled

"Yeah maybe it's me who's the problem" She smiled with a slight pout

"It'll all work out one day" he said, finishing his job

"Alright, I'll be back with the test results in about...twenty minutes" he said and she nodded, watching him walk out of the room as she covered herself with the blanket on the bed

"How did it go?" Jaehyun asked, eyebrows furrowed as he walked back into the room

"It went okay but...I'm really nervous now—I kind of want to throw up" She chuckled, hating the anxiety of waiting for the test results

"Thank you baby, for doing this for me" he smiled, and she nodded

"Why did you want me to check though?" She asked and although their no secrets policy was well implemented by now, he decided to keep this one under the rug for a while

"I just can't keep seeing you cry about if you want a baby, you're getting a baby...whether its IVF or a surrogate or something. I'm getting you that child" he said with a laugh and she pouted

"I love you" she sighed, pecking his lips

"Love you too" he smiled, distancing himself as a new doctor walked in

"Oh...we're with doctor—"

"Ah yes, he referred me over...I'm the OB-GYN after all. So the test results came out well" she said and Jaehyun squeezed Kira's hand to reassure her

"So did I pass?" She asked and the woman chuckled

"You sure did" she smiled, flicking through the file and she shot Jaehyun a surprised glance making him stand up straighter

"Does that mean I can have kids?" She asked with hope. The doctor's chuckle resounded through the room and Kira frowned a little at the reaction

"Why...was that funny?" She asked nervously

"You did come here for a check up right?" The doctor asked

" see if I was infertile or not" Kira answered

"Oh...sweetie you're definitely not infertile" the doctor smiled and Jaehyun and Kira breathed out a sigh of relief at her words

"Really?" Kira asked with wide eyes and Jaehyun couldn't help but grin at the feeling of her hand tightening around his

"'re at five weeks" the doctor said, typing something onto her computer. Jaehyun snapped his head towards Kira with wide eyes and she furrowed her brows at his reaction

"Five weeks of what?" She asked

"Kira..." Jaehyun breathed, a stupid smile creeping up onto his lips as the doctor turned to them slowly, confused on how they were so unaware

"What?" She asked, freaking out a little

"You're five weeks pregnant" the doctor stated and Kira's jaw dropped as she turned to the doctor, shaking her head

"No I'm not." She chuckled anxiously

"I can't be...we used protection" she said, feeling her breathing pick up and Jaehyun definitely used that line a good few times in his life

"You definitely are. You know condoms are only safe 97% of the time, this is just the 3%.'s still quite early to get an ultrasou—"

"Wait...hold on just—how is this possible like...I had my period like three weeks ago I...I don't understand" she said, starting to hyperventilate

"It was most likely implantation bleeding. Your blood tests show a high level of hCG indicating that the embryo has already formed. I'd say wait another two weeks and get a proper ultrasound...the nervous system should already have formed by this stage" She explained slowly and Kira turned to Jaehyun who seemed in complete awe of the whole situation

"I'll give you two a minute, I'll be outside when you're ready" she said, leaving the two alone


"I'm gonna be a dad." He said with wide eyes, still in shock

"Baby you already are a dad—"

"I know but—you''re gonna be—"

"I'm gonna be a mom" she breathed out and he smiled, nodding his head at her words

"You're gonna be the mother of my child...we're actually having a baby together. Like you're actually pregnant with my child, oh my god— oh my god." He said, his expression going blank

"What?" She asked nervously, hoping he wasn't going to say he wasn't ready for it or didn't want this

"Taeyong is going to kill me" he groaned and she let out a little laugh, feeling tears that she didn't even know were falling stream down her face.

"Are you...okay? Are you happy do you feel about it?" He asked, catching his breath, hands never leaving hers

"I'm happy but...I'm so scared like what if— no fuck that. I'm actually so happy" she cried, pulling him into a tight hug and he chuckled, sniffing back the sting in his eyes

"Are you crying?" She asked and he cleared his throat

"No" he said, but the shaky voice gave it away. She swore she only saw Jaehyun get teary two times so far, now three, and all times it was about his baby—babies.

"Can we come in?" A nervous voice was heard outside the door and Kai poked his head into the room to see the teary eyed couple

"Good news or bad news?" Kai asked and she took in a deep breath

"Really good news" she smiled, letting out a chuckle

"So can you have kids?" He asked with wide eyes

"Yeah I can" she nodded, placing her head onto Jaehyun's shoulder

"And I am" she smiled

"That's the spirit sis!" Kai exclaimed happily and Jaehyun chuckled

"No, like in eight months I'm gonna have one" she said with a laugh

"Oh my god" Haerin gasped, cupping a hand over her mouth

"Jesus, you guys better have sex like...right now if your want a baby in nine m— you said eight months, didn't you?" He asked, slowly letting her words sink in

"Kai you're so clueless it actually worries me" Haerin said, slapping his arm slowly

"You're pregnant?!" He asked with wide eyes, letting the shock set in

"Yeah...five weeks" She nodded, taking in another shaky breath as the realisation set in for her as well.

"I'm gonna have a baby" she smiled and Jaehyun kissed the top of her head, rubbing her back comfortingly

"So you really can't not get pregnant from that huh?" Haerin joked and smiled hiding her face into his neck as his ears turned red

"Jaehyun seriously whatever brand of condoms you're buying needs to be removed from the face of the earth" Kai said

"He's right, what the fuck is up with that?" Kira asked and he rolled his eyes

"You heard the doctor...we just happened to be the know what that means right?" He asked and she chuckled with a nod

"It's destiny."

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