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"Third time's a charm" Kira smiled as Jaehyun accepted the face time call, noticing how Jihye's ears perked up in an instant to the nosies from the other end.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed with a happy smile as soon as his face came into view. He was wearing his glasses, probably sick of the coloured contacts he was given by the makeup artists, and was in more comfortable clothes.

"Hello" he smiled instantly, regardless of his previous tired expression as he saw his daughter's face.

"Miss me again?" He asked, knowing the videocalls were becoming more incessant from Jihye over the last few days. It also hurt him to see her push spending time with Kira off the bat and only spend her time with his mother and talking to him. But he knew Jihye better than anyone and unfortunately his little girl was even more passive aggressive than he was.

"Yeah" Jihye smiled, sinking into her bed with Kira's phone in her small hands, looking at her dad stare back into the screen

"What about my other baby? Does she miss me too?" Jaehyun smiled, hoping Kira wasn't mad at him for being horrible at the response game over the last few days, knowing more than a few of their messages went ignored whenever he was on tour. Even if he tried, there would always be one or two that wouldn't be addressed. But she was more than understanding of that.

"Yeah, she does" Kira said with a smile, the nervous feeling settling deep in her stomach as she watched him smile through the phone. She could tell he was exhausted yet keeping himself awake for Jihye. He was two hours ahead of them and should be fast asleep by now as well.

"Jihye can I see my other baby for a second?" He asked with a pout, hating how small the frame was that Jihye took up most of it with Kira on the side barely in view

"No! I'm your only baby!" Jihye whined and Kira smiled, pulling her hair into a bun as she watched Jihye frown at his words

"Can't you girls share?" He pleaded and she was quick to shake her head no and Jaehyun smiled, eyes puffy from the lack of sleep

"I thought you wanted a sibling...You know you'll have to share me if you have a sibling right?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at her playfully

"Then I don't want one" Jihye mumbled and Jaehyun sighed defeatedly, confused with the sudden selfishness that had came over her in the last few days

"You're getting a little cranky...are you tired?" Jaehyun asked, clearing his throat and Jihye nodded.

"Can you sing for me?" Jihye asked, eyelids getting heavier and he chuckled

"Okay" he agreed, getting up from the hotel chair and heading to his bed instead.

"I'm gonna go help your grandma out with cleaning, I'll come get my phone before I go" Kira said to Jihye with a smile, tucking her into the bed and keeping her phone on the nightstand so Jaehyun can watch Jihye while she slept.

"Goodnight baby" Kira smiled, lifting her covers up to her chin

"Goodnight Kira" Jihye mumbled back. Kira sighed, hearing her own heartbeat in her ears, stomach uneasy from not being called 'mommy' as usual. Jaehyun bit the inside of his cheek as he heard the tense interaction between the two, wishing he was there to console them both and make everything go back to the way it was.

Kira shuffled out of the room, hearing Jaehyun's soft voice singing a tune she had never heard before as she walked back to see Jaehyun's mother.

"Is the bed comfortable?" She asked, fluffing up the pillows as she saw her walk out of the bathroom in mode comfier clothes and she nodded

"My son's a spender, I'm sure the bed will be more than okay" She chuckled

"Listen about what I said, don't feel pressured about the whole mother thing. You've just started working and you have your whole life ahead of you. But when the time comes...you'll be ready" she said and Kira smiled, nodding at her. She secretly wished Jaehyun's mother was hers, maybe that way she would've grown up knowing the love in a healthy parent-child relationship. As minutes passed, Kira was sure that Jihye was fast asleep and Jaehyun's mother was quick to get comfortable in the room.

"Hey" Kira whispered, taking her phone off the nightstand and meeting Jaehyun who had a tired smile on his face.

"Hey" he replied, clearing his throat a little, watching as she snuck out of his apartment quietly, careful to not wake Jihye up.

"You look very tired" she sighed, biting the inside of her cheek, realising tonight wasn't going to be a good time to tell him either, not when he seems so tired and overworked.

"I'm fine" he said, and he knew she didn't believe him.

"I'm eating well and I promise I'm getting at least five hours of sleep" he said with a grin, trying to convince her as he got into his covers

"Good...You better be healthy when I see you again" She said, pushing the button for the elevator and he chuckled

"Won't be long" he smirked lazily, forcing his eyelids to remain open to see her reaction

"I'll be back tomorrow night" he smiled and she swore her heart picked up its pace at the sound of his statement.

"Thank god" she sighed with relief, entering the elevator. He was too tired now and he had a flight the next day, atleast she had the chance to tell him tomorrow.

"Happy I'll be there for your birthday?" He asked with a chuckle and she smiled

"I actually forgot" she said, realising she was so stressed over the last few hours that she completely forgot about tomorrow being her birthday.

"Don't worry, I'll make it memorable" he joked with a lazy wink and she rolled her eyes

"You're still flirting with me" She smiled

"Of course, if I don't someone else will and you'll forget all about me" he said, closing his eyes finally after being unable to fight his sleep.

"You're not that easy to forget Jaehyun" She said, sighing as soon as she saw her signal being cut off in the elevator, causing their call to pause and eventually end.

She stretched her neck slightly, putting her phone in her pant pocket before stepping out of the elevator to her apartment, getting some rest in before work the next day.

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