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"Jesus Christ, you're fast" She said, finally catching up to him after he had caught with ease for the third time.

"I told you, just give up already" he said with a sense of accomplishment

"I gave up at the second turn, the third was just for my own pride" She heaved, making him laugh out loud at what she admitted. She sat down on the nearby park bench

"You should've saved your energy, we still have to walk back home!" Jaehyun argued, sitting down beside her on the bench, briefly taking off his cap to fix his hair before placing it back on

The two sat in silence, catching their breaths and looking at Jihye running around in the distance with her friends, peaceful in each other's company like usual. Infact, Jaehyun couldn't remember a time he wasn't at peace with her around, life was a lot more laid back for him in the last month.

"You want a coffee?" He asked, turning his head to see her mask off, fondly smiling at the kids playing in the grass and she quickly turned to him

"I'd love one-" she quickly cut herself off as a playful fluffy dog sprawled out on the pavement by her feet, the owner sighing as he shook the leash to get the pups attention to no avail.

"Is he okay?" She chuckled, looking up at the stranger, feeling Jaehyun tense beside her slightly at the sight of the public seeing him with her, but he had faith in the accessories that covered about 90% of his face

"Sorry, he gets tired sometimes, refuses to walk and just lies there" the stranger said and Jaehyun broke out into a short laugh

"Sounds a lot like someone I know" Jaehyun said and Kira scoffed, giving him a light shove

"What's his name?" Kira asked, bending down to pet the friendly pup and Jaehyun joined her at adoring the pet

"Duke, he clearly has to be treated like royalty so I thought it was fitting" the man responded

"Duke...what a gorgeous boy you are" she cooed, scratching behind the dogs golden brown ears

"Do you guys have any pets?" The man asked

"No" they both replied in sync

"I have a dog back home actually, in London" She said, remembering the golden retriever she would return home two in about two weeks

"Oh that's lovely, how old?" The man asked, making small talk and Jaehyun decided he was better off leaving to get a coffee for the both of them as suggested. It wasn't long for him to return back to Kira who was now scrolling through the groupchat that was always lively as she waited for him, the stranger now long gone with his dog.

"I didn't know what you wanted so I just got a cappuccino" he said, hoping to god she wasn't lactose intolerant

"That's perfect" She said, glad it wasn't an Americano like the one he was sipping, putting his mask on whenever he had the chance to avoid being caught by any cameras.

"Jihye's mum!" A kid's voice blared between both their ears, making them both nearly spit out their mouthfuls of coffee, snapping their heads over

"Jihye's mom! Jihye fell off the swings!" The little boy exclaimed

"The swings? I thought you guys were playing soccer" Jaehyun sighed, wondering how he could have let his eyes off his daughter to not even notice she had run off to another location

"Football" Kira muttered under her breath, and Jaehyun would usually laugh but right now he was more tense at the thought that he was distracted while his daughter was getting hurt

"Where is she?" Jaehyun asked the kid, who ran off expecting the two to follow, and they did, soon to be met with a teary eyes Jihye who had dirty along the knees of her pants

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